Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rag hats and beards do not make a sound economy

Iran: Hard Times for Ayatollahs
  • It is an irony that not even the most devoted supporters of the ayatollahs can ignore that a country such as Iran, that prides itself on being one of the world's largest oil producers, is unable to produce enough fuel to satisfy the needs of its own population.
  • These are, moreover, hard times for the ayatollahs in many other respects. Not only are the leaders coming under pressure at home for their disastrous handling of the economy. They are also seeing their efforts to export Iran's Islamic revolution to other corners of the Middle East being roundly rejected, with anti-Iran protests taking place in Iraq and Lebanon.
  • With the Iranian economy under such intense pressure as a result of the sanctions, however, the regime has little room for manoeuvre, so it faces a stark choice: either radically reform its conduct or continue to face the wrath of the Iranian people.
The Middle East is in another revolt.

Denmark: Shootings, Car Torchings, Gang Violence

So much for constant returns to scale. A mass of immigrants with few skills will bunch up and get quite angry.

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