Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ten years of Obamacare

Over the last 10 years, the number of registered nurses in Vermont dropped by about 25 percent according to a draft report by the state’s Rural Health Services Task Force. That report also shows that there will be almost 4,000 vacancies between now and the spring 2020. And as the state grows older, more nurses will be retiring in the coming years.
And the problem is that Obamacare taxes go to the states with economies of scale, so do the nurses and doctors.
When hospitals don’t have enough staff, they hire traveling nurses to fill the gaps. The nurses come from out of state through agencies, and it costs hospitals a lot more money.
The task force’s draft data shows a group of Vermont hospitals found a 113% increase in spending on traveling staff since 2015. In 2019, 11 of the 15 hospitals in Vermont spent $56 million total.

Obamacare Taxes for All does not help, it accelerates the problem. 

At a recent jobs fair, Maurice Ouimet, from Castleton University, was talking with high school students about healthcare jobs.
Colleges face the same demographic challenges that plague the healthcare system, Ouimet said, and so these partnerships make a lot of sense.
“We have a crisis in Vermont,” he said. “There’s not enough young people. There’s not enough qualified workers. So how do we all pull together – and not just in the healthcare industry, but across the board – how do we work together to solve that problem? And if we do, we have to work cooperatively, and hopefully we can make a difference.”
And we see this is a state wide problem for all sector.  We get accelerated decline as government massive programs everywhere favor high returns to scale.

Solution? The Constitution tells us that Vermont will deliver 4% of the board chair people for all government programs. Vermont senators have a Constitutional obligation to demand an upfront subsidy. Wyoming is in the same boat, and our national government is determined by mostly delusions. The problem gets worse and eventually the small states have to do their constitutional duty.

Wyoming GDP:

This is gross GDP and it has not changed since the 2009. They have lost population in the last three years.  There is no increasing gains to scale in the state, they cannot survive large federal programs.

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