Saturday, November 23, 2019

US Military caught flat footed against drones

Top U.S. General: It’s ‘Very Possible’ Iran Will Attack Again
MANAMA, Bahrain—Since May, the Pentagon has dispatched 14,000 additional U.S. troops, an aircraft carrier, and tens of thousands of pounds of military equipment to the Middle East to respond to what it says are alarming new threats from Iran. But despite the stepped-up U.S. military posture, the top U.S. general in the region believes the Iranian threat continues to rise—and Tehran is likely to continue lashing out.
“I think the strike on Saudi Aramco in September is pretty indicative of a nation that is behaving irresponsibly,” said Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command, in a Friday interview, referring to the Sept. 14 Iran-sponsored attack on Saudi facilities that took half of Riyadh’s oil production offline.

“My judgment is that it is very possible they will attack again.”
And now they invest all that vulnerable technology against cheap drones, an obvious disadvantage.

How did our military get so fucked up? The defense budget needs to be part of the ear mark system.  Small state senators are not incentivized to make sound decisions.

A fucking mess, and I worked that industry. Iran will drop a pipe bomb on the deck of a carrier, and all the generals will freak when shrapnel hits their precious F35s. An entire fucking mess, a demonstration of an unprepared small state interference.

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