Sunday, November 24, 2019

More drone

CAIRO: One of the armed groups fighting for control of Libya’s capital says it is imposing a “no-fly zone” there.The self-styled Libyan National Army’s announcement comes after two unmanned drone aircraft — one American and one Italian — were lost near the capital last week.The LNA has said it shot down the Italian drone, while the US military hasn’t given a reason for its drone’s loss.Ahmed Al-Mosmari, an LNA spokesman, said late Saturday that all flights over Tripoli and nearby towns are “prohibited without prior coordination.”
So, if we want a war we first have to get all sides to agree on no drone?  Will not work, and the US Military is flat footed in that region. They cannot safely base solders anywhere, including Saudi Arabia.  But the military is doing it anyway and the commander of the dead soldiers will be the one who falls on his sword.

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