Tuesday, December 17, 2019

It is all micro

Drill down.

I can drill down to Vermont, see the one major paper, catch the important issues down to the name of the decider, location and decision point.  It is small, Burlington has a hundred thousand, the biggest town.

I don't keep records, but the quotes, issues and people who work them give me a lot of insight. And you will notice a huge contradiction, Bernie is running from the place, he is the most pessimistic and the former mayor of the town.

I also know what the two to five people at any given moment are looking for, on the web.  They eventually discover we have many of us understanding the state scale issue much better than last go around.

Vermont has to exercise its 2% of the senate, we and they are hard bound on this, Vermont is not going anywhere, we banged this drum far too long. They need to turn that 2% into cold hard cash to the state capital.

It is a scale problem that negatively effects all the senate.  Earmarks and desperation infiltrate all the programs, productions gets mapped to large states, even when not need. Bot left and right fraud become inefficient. I will admit many of the senators have brains.  It is easy to push this idea up in their thoughts, I have distributive property, I know the hard bound and where the congestion lies. I got sandbox.

2% is simple, that is a 100 billion, two billion to Vermont state capital.  But Vermont has to dump the geriatric and get a brain that can solve national bottlenecks and less philosophy. The more bottlenecks we solve in the House's ill-planned schemes, the more money to state capitals.

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