Saturday, October 24, 2020

Going to the Federal Supremes

No Signature Match? No Postmark? No Problemo! It's This Week in Ballot Shenanigans!

At some point within days the Supremes will rule that possibly invalid signatures must be tracked down.  Pennsylvania state Supremes know this quite well.

Postmarks do not bother me, it they have a valid signature on election day, then it counts no matter how it got there. This is not difficult, it is the Law. There is no reason for the mix up, there is no reason Pennyslvania election officials wold want to hide this problem.

A secure personal biometric handheld ID solves the problem. With that technology the voter can register and vote on line in one action, fraud voting is disallowed by the autonomous voting bot.. Once again the NSA has fouled us up.

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