Friday, October 30, 2020

Unilateral acts of war.

US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

Regardless of the legality, we are at war with Iran. So I am still confused by the 8,000 troops he has surrounded by a million Iranian militia. Life must be miserable on the front over there, locked down permanently into bunkers.

I notice the US carriers do not hang around the gulf waters much, and this is likely the extra expense of monitoring thousands of potentially dangerous drones in those parts. But Iran is in the arms business these days. This all seems highly erratic, and the side effects bounce around, like the rise of the New Ottoman Empire. It is not the legality of this, the Senate is as likely to screw i up as Trump. It is the  switching of sides, oil deals, arms sales, along with the arbitrary  war declaring. I see no gains, for the  USA, Ruskies or Ottomans. I see increasing chaos, enough growth in chaos to test my sincerity to the anarchist cause.

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