Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tie Vote is below one percent

 I consider the Tie Vote in electoral forecasts to be a proxy for support of the Split Government party.

Tie Vote is now running about a half point, it seems, getting on the board about every other day. But for the Split government party that might mean two electoral votes which cause a net split between Trump and Biden of four points, really shifting the debate a notch.

If the Split Government polled a solid 2%, we would really have a race, that 2% gets almost twice its weight in vote because it can change sides after the election results. There is easily about 2% of us who are members of the Anarchist Party.  We need to get a candidate name, pull it out from party members at random. Our selected candidate cannot win, and the electors are taken from the aggregate or party members and very likely to throw the election. This is almost a sure thing.  

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