Sunday, October 25, 2020

Uneducated progressives

A Democratic-controlled Senate is looming as a potential roadblock for the party’s base if it wins the majority in November.

Progressives are urging their party to go big if it is in power next year with a trifecta, arguing that four years under President Trump and six years of a GOP-controlled Senate have illustrated the need for broad systemic reforms.

But Democrats, if they win, are predicting they will have a slim margin fueled in part by victories in red and purple states that would boost the chamber’s fledgling moderate faction, putting a spotlight on the gap between the ideas being discussed by activists and the likely size and political makeup of the caucus come January.

This has been the case since the founding.  The Law is not well taught in out colleges. 

The goal of every small and medium state senator is to protect their state from the Californians.

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