Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Making short chain cash from Chinese digital currency

 The main point is to lock up a regulated digital account and trade its value on a short chain anonymous proof of stake ledger. How can an individual takeios digital Yuan account and make chairt chain anonymous cash? Buy shares in a reputable accounting firm. Take the cash risk based on their reputation in the industry.  Take Libra, instead of money make it a share.  Libra, using its own Chinese account will put your money on the short chain public ledger, under time and count limits.  You have the key, and Libra has the trusted miners. You are free to spend, and the ledger system is likely to be as trusted and popular as a credits card, just as fast.  And you avoid taxes from the people Republic.

The Libra short block chain can mix currencies, easy enough. There is a potential scofflaw problem within the block, sure, but minimized easily.  In fact, one can do this, and they do do this, today using the Ethereum contract chain.  But we can do this very efficiently with proof of stack and specially built local chain. The chain always resolves back to the original public ledger, there are never long held accounts. And it is all proof of stake, so you have very few miners jumping on the chain and the chain search length is short. This is as close as we get to pure cash without Smart Cart, but t is as good as anything out there and works with any digital ledger system.

And even better. This method should connect right in to existing terminal systems. If it can reach master charge then it can reach a network of trusted accounting firms. For example, around here I could market Tower dollars to the local pedestrian system where all the kids have handhelds. Local merchant would soon learn that this clears back onto the local bank ledger with no greater scofflaw risk. So they would all take it on certification from the local accountant reads the short cash edger. The merchants could offer it back to customers for debit, laundering it.  Any of the local who spend it would be saving oodles on Fed taxes and payment fees. This model is the most liquid stable coin technology around, and scaleable and duplicateable.

It is a simple ethereum ledger contract, not even a complete monetary system. A few simple rules about handing the various public ledgers, make short term cash out of any publicly accessable ledger.

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