Saturday, October 24, 2020

The value added net theory of genitics

From Wiki

  • Information channels: Information-theoretic approaches model the process of translating the genetic code into corresponding amino acids as an error-prone information channel.[88] The inherent noise (that is, the error) in the channel poses the organism with a fundamental question: how can a genetic code be constructed to withstand noise[89] while accurately and efficiently translating information? These "rate-distortion" models[90] suggest that the genetic code originated as a result of the interplay of the three conflicting evolutionary forces: the needs for diverse amino acids,[91] for error-tolerance[86] and for minimal resource cost. The code emerges at a transition when the mapping of codons to amino acids becomes nonrandom. The code's emergence is governed by the topology defined by the probable errors and is related to the map coloring problem.[92]

    This is one of four most likely theories on the evolution of genetics. My point simply is that his is also the theory of value added network, and the congestion problem is the same as the information flow problem, stock and flow over a value added channel. 

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