Friday, October 30, 2020

Liquify the earmark

My single presidential refusal message.  Make the earmarlk tradeable.

Fund an earmark market between House and Senate. In sandbox, using network reduction analysis, I could liquify my sister's chicken soup.  If the network problem is reduced to a small, finite stable distribution network, finite spanning tree. That is in the model and in the implementation, pricing the entry and exit queues for production and delivery. A search of the facebook trees delivers exactly that, and setting up a bit of the market that cover her canning and delivery.

Give me a distribution of election ballots and the ballots themselves. They are mostly in the same, restricted and closed language. I can treat those as shares in information flow, match the semantics of ballots to positions on a government goods value chain. his lets me predic congestion flow on government chains, places where for some odd reason, one distrcit is bidding at the wrong time for a particular earmark.  Show them on the ballot the points in which they are tightly congested for funds in the total flow

Also, determine the equivalent interest gains and losses needed to keep each node on the chain within bounded inventory. Do all of this automatically, with a good search engine. Then tell each state or house district their ex post interest gains o losses, given the total payment flow, in one or both directions. .  They can hedge their position and adjust the issues on the ballot to minimize government dead weight losses to themselves.

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