Saturday, October 31, 2020

Harris County Clerks are common carriers and can collect bsllots

 Gov Abbot fouled his order limiting drop off boxes in Texas.

The boxes were placed at county government locations. The Law states the mail in ballots must arrive in person or by common carrier to the central vote counter.  But the county clerks themselves are legal common carrier sand deliver official paper work as a regular duty. Documents delivered from any county clerk on official business is considered a legal common carrier delivery.  The very definition of voting official is one who aggregates votes by common carrier actions.  These judges are dumb as turnips.

The defendants and plaintiff fouled the Texas story.  And Oct 3 was too late for Guv Abbot to restrict drop boxes. The defendant made  some horse manure about covid, but it is difficult to connect covid and Due Process.

Gov Abbot and the state judges are mostly low IQ, the solution is obvious, county clerks can act as common carriers for official election business, the Texas election law which attempts to limit the definition of common carriers is horse manure written by the generally low IQ citizens in that state.

We need something to improve the IQ levels of these bonehead governors. Having these dummies in key executive locations is bad news for multipliers.

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