Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gravity, field precision and SNR half done)

Why do heavy things, short wavelength, have coarse resolution? The vacuum equalizes signal to noise ratio, as part of order separation. Heavy objects are near in the measuring system, and eventually settle with little granularity, which correspond to the other heavy objects nearby. There are only so many movements they can make, so in the creation most of these short movements balanced with little fine granularity.

So, using Shannon, we take a low SNR, like the electron, and find we need fine granularity to get a complete standing wave over the complete set.  This is automatic in the vacuum, SNR is conserved.

Any Null point (matter) still is Nyquist sampled. It is basically just sampling the phase difference between the matter, at low resolution, and any higher resolution above. But the system is balanced by order and there is no minimum phase adjust noticeable because the resolutions do not combine to  a number that exceeds the resolution of the matter..  That is why order is stable.

Gravity has fine granularity, and in this world no other field disturbs it to a first approximation, and gravity passes through any matter in this region without a problem.  Looking at Maxwell equation, we found that the impedance is really just the quantization size difference between echarge field and magnetic field.  The impedance between two orders, N and N+1 always supports wave movement, the higher resolution quantization can fill the lower if it has enough wavelength.  The impedance with respect to gravity and charge is very large, but still enough to cause small curvature of light.

Compact systems to not pass wave, they are done, black holed. 

How is gravity field created? Like any other field. It is phase imbalance that cannot be corrected nearby and the vacuum moves it out, but out means away from other low order fields where it becomes noticeable, and the vacuum simply makes wave motion until the field becomes a standing field, contained generally by either the natural curvature of the vacuum or some external higher resolution field.

Matter is created because there is too much disturbance that can be held in the local region, and the matter traps a wavelength of the excess, and the rest, the quantization phase moves out. Highly dense regions will emit a lot of phase imbalance during the creation. Gravity is the last order in the local sequence and it collect the phase.

Wait, you say, gravity force is proportion to mass, and mass is quantized matter.

That is what Newton said:

 Well, he mistook density for mass. Newton's mass is relative density of the disturbance at the point of creation.  It is that relative density that gets trapped in the gravitational field. And the relative density of the disturbance was different in different regions.  Mass is again a relative measure, sorry. In our region, mass is determined by the relative density of the fields by order, and thus, so is gravity.  But it is likely close enough for star gazing when the star systems look a bit like ours.

What does our gravity field look like? It is a flattened spherical half wave, mostly standing, across the solar system.  Flattened perpendicular to the plane of the planets, like we would expect.  But is has enough granularity to let the planets have their portion of that field. Anything that could not hold a gravity field is long gone.

Check these mass ratios:

The solar mass is quite a large unit on the scale of the solar system: 1.9884(2)×1030 kg.[1] The largest planet, Jupiter, is 0.0009% the mass of the Sun, while the Earth is about three millionths (0.000003%) of the mass of the Sun.

Jupiter is the largest planet. The solar system has a very sparse gravitational field. The field is very straight, and its phase is at right angles.

What is the size of the sun? 695,500,000 m. large. That size is likely near the wavelength of magnetism just below the point at which magnetic matter is created. The size of the solar system (4.503 billion km). the gravitational force is about 28 times the earth. Voyager is likely beyond the reach and is (19 billion km)away. The gravitational field mostly gets dense around the nearby planets, up to Jupiter.

So, mass does not create a gravitational field, the system stability simply contains the residual phase imbalance from the creation, at least in this model.   field is wave motion, no matter how little. Thus it is energy, and the proton and electron are is  radiating gravitational energy. Something is containing the field.

If the field were contained by the noise of space, unable to radiate gravity, then how does space propagate light? After all, gravity is just strong enough to curve light, so absent any containment is would drain away.  If one thinks matter is emitting gravity, then one must think matter is slowly decaying.

In any other higher order field, gravity would radiate, unless contained by Null  points around the solar system.  Lets compute the mass of these Null points. OK, trillions of times less massive than an electron, I mean very small. And, I might add, the nearest star is 10 light years away, another order of magnitude. Houston we have a problem.

Does the standard model help?

It does not incorporate the full theory of gravitation[2] as described by general relativity, or predict the accelerating expansion of the universe (as possibly described by dark energy).


Lets assume the standard model adapts to circumstances.

We need a period of early stability.  The solar system is 4 billion km, 4.3 e12 m., or 1.5e3 seconds in size. So, our region, somewhere compacted near the sun, gets 55 minutes to cook the pile.

The sun is about 12 seconds in radius.  Enough time? Yes, if the standard model adapted to the densities.  If we went from Higgs to very large, highly charge leptons, then immediately to magnetrons, all mass in ratios of  1, 1/2, 1/4, or on that order, than the disturbance is trapped in an intense magnetic soup, heavy mass with little kinetic energy, unable to radiate out in time to stop the creation of gravity.  We get the creation of atoms, a period of magnetic fusion.

The magnetrons are heavy in this model, they take days to move beyond the sun, then years to move out of the region of density.  Mean while,  the gravity field has formed and is moving out at light speed. We just have enough time for stars to contain their gravity field. Then we have time for the higher orders to form, whatever they are.

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