Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently – instead, a quantum state may be given for the system as a whole.
If the former occurs, then any subsequent measurement performed by Bob, in the same basis, will always return 1. If the latter occurs, (Alice measures 1) then Bob's measurement will return 0 with certainty. Thus, system B has been altered by Alice performing a local measurement on system A. This remains true even if the systems A and B are spatially separated. This is the foundation of the EPR paradox.
- Alice measures 0, and the state of the system collapses to
- Alice measures 1, and the state of the system collapses to
What do the two particles have in common? The share the difference between an integer quantum separation, and a near integer quantum separation. The system balances between Pauli compaction and wave quantization. The different quantization rates to not yield perfect separable quantum states. When they leave the cojoined state, the one takes half the quantum error, the other takes the other half, split left and right. It will be a phase imbalance, negative in one and positive in the other. The imbalance is not enough to disturb the state, on its own, but measure it and the imbalance uses the measurement to rebalance. So you disturb one it leans left, disturb the other it leans right, because the quantum error was split tin balanced fashion..
Current quantum equations need to be modified slightly, to include probability in a phase side channel, computed as phase imbalance. The new system includes fractional error.
As mentioned above, a state of a quantum system is given by a unit vector in a Hilbert space. More generally, if one has a large number of copies of the same system, then the state of this ensemble is described by a density matrix, which is a positive matrix, or a trace class when the state space is infinite-dimensional, and has trace 1. Again, by the spectral theorem, such a matrix takes the general form: \rho = \sum_i w_i |\alpha_i\rangle \langle\alpha_i|, where the positive valued w_i's sum up to 1, and in the infinite-dimensional case, we would take the closure of such states in the trace norm.
Unity inthe matrix, but generate a side matrix that contains the fractional error. It can be set at
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