And, the two exponentials give you quant values which are laid out as hyperbolic?, in the bitstream version, always minimizing phase. You get N positive SNR and N negative SNR. Kinetic energy can take up missing orders, energy per SNR, agglomerated, or otherwise. Ordering becomes, Higgs first, then decrease SNR by k*order zero, which is Nyquist undersampling, also known as free space, with curvature. The lowest order has SNR too low to pack nulls, its Nyquist, otherwise known as Plank.
Convert your e base to a base that matches your input ratio. Then you can see the quant sizes in units of your presumed curvature. The Fib codes get you the particel composition, and tell the, not unique, alternative sub components.
We have to make a little group algebra for our codes, add, decompose, combine phase. Phase, negative and positive are opposite spirals when they make fields. They come in two groups, the algebra handles negative arithmetic.But the vacuum executes the algebra, so keep it simple.
It can be seen that cosh x and sech x are even functions; the others are odd functions.Converting to wave motion:
A balance phase equalization, around a planet is a negative and positive. The motion is wave, convert to sine/cosine, then convert to ellipse.The mass will be the F code, gives you SNR, give it SNR/Nyquist curvature will be the order. The orbit should appear in the bitstream model, with the two semi axis of the ellipsoid. Take gravity force, I failed to mention but force is a jump between orders, the delta SNR. But this is one I have not worked.
Electron spin, one energy level above the electron, put a magnetic field one order below. The F codes give the contained null set, the set that hold the kinetic and electron within the magnetic. Map kinetic however.
Stars and observations. Try to guessimate the local static phase in hyperbolic, between the observer and start, order by order. Minimize the result with a light wave, see if it is rotating in apparent motion.
Generate F codes for the subatomics, play games with your algebra to see subcomponents. Compute relative SNR from the packing ratios. Change the static phase and see it the packed Nulls cause Pauli paths and break apart. You get so few Quants, do they match up with standard model?
Doing SpaceTime.
That is changing the packing ratio. Then compare the generated F codes, that gives you the new mass. Time is the change in curvature.
Red shift. Compute SNR from 1/r**2. It goes up in order( lower SNR). Finer granularity in quants between the two phase modes. Add plank noise along the trip. It makes a longer wave in the complete sequence.
Get the static, positive and negative gravity gradients, on the bitstream version. Add a low SNR light wave, see what happens during the positive transition.
And, try to find out how many free Nulls are supported in free space, mainly by looking at the sensitivity of mass formation by assumed density, and Nyquist curvature. Those free nulls make flat space. Fission is when the minimum phase cannot be obtained by two masses. Somehow that comes out of the complete sequence.
Charged particle? Dunno, that comes from our algebra, which mostly is borrowed from current models. They are lie groups, haven't done any group theory on those combinations of F codes.
This should work with discrete mappings of all the integral functions used in physics.
Modelling fusion, fission and black holes. All of that becomes, set the ratio higher as high as you want to see hose much packs relative to any given wave with wavelength shorter than packed mass. It breaks the F code, so some algebra is applied. The bitstream version account for speed of propagation, its getting the complete sequence. When the packing mode changes, stop. Put in the new mass ratios, restart. I think Pauli is handled correctly. Then the process repeats, the model resets to new ratio... The sequence should match.
Speed of light. Huge phase imbalance, Pauli path curved to observer. Object gains SNR via kinetic, it is the phase imbalance. Hist quants for EM are much larger at the observer. The Lorentz effect is in the phase difference in EM going to observer. That and the length of the complete sequence. General relativity being, well, set the appropriate order for gravity with an order having a really long bandwidth. Teeny tiny Nulls the way the heck out the diagonals. Get as many of the teeny's as you want, way out their. The gravity constant makes all movement curved toward the center of mass of the complete sequence. Drop Nulls into the thing, see if you make a black hole.
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