Monday, March 17, 2014

Doing the quantum oscillator usiong Shannon mode

Here we have the harmonic oscillator, the thin line above taken from wiki. That represents the positions in which position and momentum can be co existent, the Pauli path. Below I simply pre-calculated my spectrum available to each energy level with my spreadsheet. That table includes quant size and frequency. I am simply going to lay out my levels along the complete sequence so as to minimize the variation in the Pauli path.  Each quant value must make sign waves at the frequency specified and at the particular quant value. But, always center the Pauli path to put the maximum variation in the center. I lay out the lowest level, keeping my sample rate at the level specified in the table. Then repeat for each energy level, from the lowest to the highest.I should get the Hermites.

Hk*E level 1+Hk*E level E level  LOG(E2,2) POWER(2/3,I2) E Level reversed  Rate
0.2599210499 1.2599210499 1  0.3333333333 0.1316872428 5  0.0758293839
0.5198420998 1.5198420998 2 0.6039214462 0.1975308642 4 0.1137440758
0.7797631497 1.7797631497 3 0.8316852606 0.2962962963 3 0.1706161137
1.0396841996 2.0396841996 4 1.0283457998 0.4444444444 2 0.2559241706
1.2996052495 2.2996052495 5 1.2013862292 0.6666666667 1 0.3838862559

Hk = .26 is the energy level between order.
The  POWER(2/3,E Level reversed) is my quant size.
11.7366 is Tq, Total Quants = Sum of quant sizes (2/3**(E level reversed).
Rate is the q rate over the whole sequence, the frequency.

In this method we know our energy levels, as in the continuous method.  Once we assign the SNR, and normalize, then we have energy level on a frequency and quant basis, before we even know what the Pauli path will be. We are not even limited to sine functions, I think, we are only limited to functions that have a complete 2*Pi phase per energy level. The functions need to be phase aligned, of course.

Break out the kinetic function into whatever orthogonal coordinates you want, then lay it out in each coordinate, decomposed. Do the same thing. Add time? It is a poly coordinate. Add charged electrons, compute the continuous solution, then lay that out.

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