Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Plank and the magnetic

Plank is a measure of the density of nulls to phase in the universe. Plank is small when there are more nulls than phase by a large margin. When Plank is small then packing in large groups happens at the nuclear level. The magnetic is the Nth order down in which stable group arrangements grow gro exponentially, and the quantum system is not observable.  That point is simply what we call magnetism. Its on the boundary. It is quantum in the early stages when phase has not been minimized on a small scale. Time, in the Universe scale is really the rate of formation of stable groups. Stable groups are separated when the Pauli mass, which grows faster, is a Shannon composition of a scale fibonacci sequence. We get complete groupings over the entire range, with 'multiply' defining the separation between stable groups. At the magnetic, we get small scale difference as get get more 'multiplies'.

The problem astrophysicist need to solve is the density of Nulls in free space. They needs to find discrepencies that indicate a different Plank, and that tells us the ultimate density of Nulls, and thus the rate of group formation and the eventual fate of the Universe.

Group theory is back in the ball game in physics.Really, the cornerstone.

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