Monday, March 24, 2014

The topology of rational fractions?

The golden ratio, below, is the separation between whole numbers that breaks a collection into is small set of whole numbers.   Root five is the first root with a single set of continued fractions, a[2,4,4,4,4..]. It is the first number that can break up any sequence into whole numbered fractions, I presume. Pauli adds the third shape, the Null, and gets three shapes, the golden counter, than is multiplied by 2/3, and gives the continued fraction that can make fractions at integer three seperation.

 divide by  3/2 = (1+root(5))/3;

 5 = [2; 4, 4, ...]  Root(5)/3 = [2/3,3,3,3,3,3,3]
becomes the continued fraction 3,3,3,3,3,3

The golden vacuum shapes, then differ by .61803....; and they are optimally packed and can hold thwo numbers. Add the third and  count whole fractions by 2/3, with whole number (rational) fractions.

The two vacuum shapes for minus and positive are not equal, according to golden.

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