Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A 30 basis point drop in the treasury bond yield.

OK, this is a requant, with a slope of 65 basis points, we are one more shock away from inversion.  Fed is boxed, a lowering signals the QE pile is stuck on account for a cycle. A hike admits defeat. The Fed will hold, then the Fed should signal their dot map is 'Who knows'. We have non-market political deals in the Euro, deliberately information hiding, no pricing. The Fed should admit they are stuck in discretion mode.

Let me guess. The German tax payer suffers 250 billion, US equivalent. Italy stays in, we do the multi-step bailout.

But keep the Euro, just free it from central bank monopoly and use congestion price entry and exit.  The Euro is great, the governments are stuck. But they can do CB to CB lending with price discrimination.  Seriously, keep the Euro, the bots would love it.

Under sandbox, no euro nation would leave, whatever the european issue, the automated euro knows the minimum state structure. Currency risk shared and marked to market first.

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