Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I don't see racism

Barr's post early Tuesday morning, which has since been deleted, said that Jarrett, who is African-American, was a product of the Muslim Brotherhood and "Planet of the Apes" -- "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj." 
OK, she doesn't like islamics. Few of us like that deranged religion, likely the same people who don't like evangelicals selling their children into sex slavery. Not racism, just a dislike of stupid  religious behavior. 

The real racism is ABC executives equating apes with black people, an act they did, not Rosanne.  Notice, Rosanne never mentioned blacks, ABC did, and they made the equation because apes were mentioned.

I say we keep Rosanne, she is not racist, and instead boycott the racist, anti-black pigs who run ABC, they hate black people, they think blacks are closely related to apes.

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