Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Doing if() then{} in Default

while(expr) { }  // All conditional loops constructed of this form

Any built in I add to accomplish the if() then {}  added will just be recast as a while loop anyway. So make it yourself. If Default is in common use it will be the higher lever syntax engines driving thes Script anyway, so let them shuffle around the while text to make if text.   Default is integrated at the Bus level, use it like a byte code, higher level engine can generate executables at the Bus layer.

I am putting both Hardly and Default on the Bus together.  Hardly gives Default the ability to reorder elements of Args according to a supply precedence tree. Powerful in prerpreing sequences of actions over and over again.  Default only produces reverse polish notation (actually shunt does) and Default lays out variabl ecommand sequences called macros. A while loop is while expression macro; In linux command format. DFewfault has an expression machine computes rpn at run time.

How is Default?
I don't run the complete chain, yet, but all components work.  The big change was the tokenizer, tokenenizing a user string becamse part of console loop, a command line standard. So putting  control of the argument  list back to console loop so it has to make a pass through the input strings, in default. Default, itself, thus became a one pass interpreter, in fact all syntax engines will be one pass unless tokenizer in the console loop is disable, which is expected.

Console loop gained 30 lines of code, Default lost them, and Console Loop ends up with a bit more control. So syntax engines need to set Consolel oop with some operating parameters, not only for tokenizing but for macro expansion on undefined linux cmd sequences. The ability to macro expand a linux argument on output is configuration determined. In fact, all of macro expansion can eb turned off or on. Syntax engines have to set the console loop parameters, or use default tokenizer and default macro expansion.

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