Friday, December 28, 2018

Let's talk relatively

When we say the speed of light is constant everywhere, then we, in sample data tersms, that the sample spectrum of light is infinite, or in number theory, divide works, one can always crank a divide to enough significance.

That means that ordering is always preserved, two points retain the same relative order no matter how long you crank the divide machine. That induce Isaac to consider cases where one can crank the divide machine and show that the difference between two points converge, thus allowing us to consider summations that always converge, and their properties. Isaac called that calculus.

One of the out comes of calculus is that surface without inward information can be represented as a point source. And that idea fields the sun as a point source of gravity, and the gravity equation was born, built because the change in gravity is always transmitted at a constant rate, the divide machine always get a significant answer with enough cranks.

Constant means any point can reference itself to a perfectly unchanging number, so all points maintain their relative references via the constant. True for the gravitation constant, if you preserve ordering you are demanding a constant somewhere, a point of symmetry to do the algebra.

Now standard gravity tidal forces are not relativity, they can still use the newtonian gravity equation by reconstructing one body as a set of bodies, granular enough so that their relative ordering is within the constant.

Another outcome of the point source and constant system is that, in gravity, we get L points of symmetry, that spot between two bodies where the force of gravities cancel. Still an outcome of Newtonian calculus, one can rewrite the equations from the point of view of an L spot, the two point source look stable.

Relativity is a product of mass, mass is the condition that a body cannot travel faster that light, that means a mass under samples light. Mass exists because the vacuum has finite sampling bandwidth.  What happens inside Mercury the planet when it travels a bit closer to the speed of light?  Mass develops side lobes, spatially, in some fixed configuration that depends on total energy.   The L spot tends to wobble in 3D space, Newton no longer works, until we add another dimension for the ordering.  Thus, in all four dimensions, the L1 is stable, and Newton restored, we can do calculus, but that fourth dimension has to be found, by the mathers, first.  It is a mathematical construct, designed to capture and stabilize the L spot.

From out 3d point of view, it appears the l spot is wobbling, an impossibility in Newtonian, it means there is no convergent position for the L spot, math will not work.  Einstein painstakingly went though the dimensional analysis to point toward the standard method of defining the fourth dimension to restor the L spot bak to convergence. Along that dimension, one can infinite resolve the position of the L spot so its relative ordering remains.

Understanding the point of view of side lobes is what unifies gravity and the standard theory, they are both born of the same limitation, mass defines points to be a bit spread.  Everything abut mass, from its inception in the heat of compression, to its gravity property all boil down, mathematically, to an under sampling problem.  Quarks are quantized side lobe from severe under sampling.

In relativity we add another mathematical dimension to restore the perpendicular property, essentially finding the point of symmetry about which the wobble of L spots occur, so as to apply the canceling term. Along the perpendicular, divide works, that is the definition of divide actually.

OK, so we compress and compress and reach a point where restoring the L spot to its symmetry means it exists inside the surface, we get black hole.  But, the vacuum is finite dimensional, five at best gets you a quasar for some time, but I think they are unstable.  That is why we get quarks, Einsteins little trick fails, the bits of vacuum do not have enough structure, in this universe, to hold all the terms Einstein needs. So the bits of vacuum are aliased, their surfaces deform inward dents that fail Newtonian's assumption, and they get stuck there.

The assumption of Einstein, noting is faster than light coupled with Planks constant, mass under samples and has spread spectrum; those two are related.

Is gravity real? First, meeting the Newtonian assumption means our view of gravity is point source in 3D. The second outcome of Newton is that we can construct forces in 3D because we have 3D perpendiculars over which divide works. I all of this we have never left the realm of mathematics. Thus, the math predicts that we will see a point source and call that a center of gravity emitting a force.

The reality is that entropy always seems to increase meaning redundant motion is always removed. The universe sphere packs, bit of vacuum seek to minimize the number of interactions needed to limit stay 'whole'.  Thus, over the evolution, maximizing entropy predicts 3D points of illusionary symmetry about which redundant interactions are minimized.   As if the bits of vacuum listened to Einstein and are trying their best to stabilize the L spots.

So, if the bits of vacuum have finite bandwidth then how can light be constant?  Because we set that to be a point of symmetry, by definition.  We say, time is the point of symmetry along the basic perpendicular ta the first dimension.  That is, if we want to be Newtonian, then we can do that. But spend tome time within Planks constant and find that ordering is not preserved, as Plank would tell us.  But, in any dimension less than than the dimensional  capability of the Vacuum, there will be a point of symmetry about which light can be assumed constant. If light is wobbling, it is because there is some dimensional history in the vacuum, some rememberance of the furnace.

Consider quantum weirdness, the property that particles can transmit their spin state faster than light,it seems. Why did we conclude that? Because the equations of physics obey Newton's law in a 3D world and relativity cannot solve the paradox.  The physucus assumes energy is conserved in the system, yet the light spins seem to group themselves, consuming energy. There seems to be a hidden point of symmetry, they nicknamed it the quantum field.  The name implies we are seeing a collapsed view, in fact the bits of vacuum do sometimes find symmetry about a fourth dimension, a hidden law of physics. In reduced dimensions, no point of symmetry, energy not conserved, Newton fails, divide has a repeating remainder. light is constant in the totality of all the dimensionality supported by the vacuum.

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