Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Make a simple clock in xchars

Simple, in string form.

GetConn clock;
GetWin clock win;
GetGC clock gc;
GetRect win gc rect 10 10 60 30;

while(1) {
// Then using the system, get
// the clock put it to a string
str=SysCall time str;
PutStr rect str;

The console loop will support threaded loadables in version 3.. Default should soon be supporting these kinds of simple loops with pass thrus.
At some point the SysCall call arg1 agr2.. will become:
An enhancement of Default (allowing function arguments) that sooner or later will arrive, by me or someone else.

I try and keep Xchars updates in the file links. It is a fun project, no recursions and lots of flashes. Ultimately we have some great ncurrses games that need porting. I be neglecting Default.

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