Friday, December 28, 2018

Life restored

Tokenizer working as usual again, have not yet tested file naming. Default treats the forward slash as just another valid variable character.  Default should probably treat is with a special file methods built in, bu hat is another day.

How much spaghetti? I don't know yet, right now every single special character test is configurable, except double character like ++,--; those wait version 3. So it is wa over defined, I did lot of copy and replicates.
The next step is to try t in real live situations, like loading Xchars with a  complete filename path. hat is what failed a day ago.

Let's dump extensions on loadables. Skip the part about gleaning information from the file name, if we want to know when a file name leads to a loadable, then load it. The definition of loadable is,"Has the universal interface". The load will fail immediately when the interface is not present.

Xchars version;  // returns the version number

The namespace has a rule, the module with some name ets that name as a sub command spot.  Otherwise, it is every module for themselves on fighting for namespace, and getting first on the search list.  The solution to that problem comes from somewhere else, the best console loop can do is maintain some key values in module symbol entry. Otherwise it remains clueless.

How doesthe user see tokenizer?
When console loop fresup, with Default off, then there is no syntax except valid linux commands, file names pass through always, every thing works.  Then you enable de3fault, but it is notinvokded, everything is fine.
Then you enable Default:

Default;  // start deault

Then the following rule applies,  the default condition at the start of each 'newline' is filenames allowed util an expression char arrives. At that point the mode is switched to expression names and not reset to file names until end of line. Any syntax engine that wants to switch back and forth, each line,  is in violation.

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