Saturday, December 22, 2018

No syntax errors

Default while(1+a){}

My test syntax in the Default engine. No syntax errors, the expression runs all the way through calculation, works as the logic intended, and should support nested while loops.   Now I am working this:

Default a=2; while(a){a=a-1;}

The other good news is I consolidated all discovery into the symbols table, which is also the look up to exec command to locate a command.  I get few crashes and more syntax errors because the symbol table will force feed something regular if a value lookup makes no sense.  So, fewer crashes and more weird results, but much easier to debug.

The net result is that I gained 50 lines of space. So I can add some functionality. My goal remains, a complete command and control for under 800 lines, a snippet.

I  am confident enough to build a loadable directory, all the loadables that I can make work.  SQLite, I need to make that a loadable.   Default should have enough functionality to let me load SQLite, almost raw, on the bus. Sqlite API is not universal interface, but I should be able to create a mapping with a Default initialization.  Most of the arguments to Sqlite will boil down t word r integer, make a simple run time mapping, just a few line of code and a table of fixed map values. 

Something I am working on, move all the API semantics up two layers to be managed at enterprise level.  No one does SQL syntax, we all ask higher level questions.  Since we hae the universal interface, the API evel semantics make little sens until they are mapped upward. So keep the API as a mechanical construction map, give it an 'assembly level syntax', one easily mapped.   So move the API document, as is, up one level, to the enterprise network manager, let him find the structure of use, then embedded his maps into the corporate semantics.  The machines all work with universal interface from the syntax engine down, meaning it is all a mechanical map to the universal interface. We extend the hardware concept, the enterprise network manager write maps to the subystems, and binds those maps to the enterprise user syntax. All a two step process.

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