Sunday, December 23, 2018

iPython, another version of linux power shell

IPython allows non-blocking interaction with Tkinter, PyGTK, PyQt/PySide and wxPython (the standard Python shell only allows interaction with Tkinter). IPython can interactively manage parallel computing clusters using asynchronous status callbacks and/or MPI. IPython can also be used as a system shell replacement.[7] Its default behavior is largely similar to Unix shells, but it allows customization and the flexibility of executing code in a live Python environment. Using IPython as a shell replacement is less common and it is now recommended to use Xonsh which provide most of the IPython feature with better shell integrations.

I thought so, I cannot believe I was the first here. 

They intend the same result I am going after.  But, they do not have a universal interface, nor do they works with args list.  But, it is nice to know I have competition, I am not completely nutty about Power Shell.

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