Sunday, August 4, 2019

It must be drone city over there

Iran seizes another tanker in the Gulf, state media say

Between the claim that the US shot down a drone, and today I have built a drone airforce of five planes from Dollar Tree materials. (They need to sell dowels).

I have this tiny rubber band plane, looks like a butterfly of 2 feet wide, one layer foam, paper remove, warped into the light weight wing shape, like a hang glider.  The only heavy material is the dowel needed to support the rubber.  So, I can wind that baby up and it goes 200 feet in the air.  I will give it elevator and rudder remote control.

I have them scaled up, my air force, all the how tos are on the web. On is this huge, heavy lugging machine I use as a wind tunnel tester for different wings, replaced with runner bands.   I have a  dog fighter class, a light and very light. Just watch the video, be prepared for the white glue to cure over night, plenty of c clamps. Then just scale down any nice form you see on the web, spend five dollars on foam and glue. If I need a spar then Dollar tree has two sizes of the flat 'popsicle' stick. Glue them i over lapping shape and make whatever flat spar you need. The sticks al;so make external stabilizers, edge to the wind and glue to foam.  My large craft uses some light weight dollar tree painting kits complete with wood sheets, one for a dollar. Make reinforcement for motor and detachable wing system. But get good light weight wheels, except for hand thrown.

One ends up with an air force because making more wings and fuselage relieves the frustration when waiting for glue to dry. Fixing foam is a breeze, as is many forms of 'cut and paste'. A hot glue gun is a plus, I have one.  These things have an easy flying model, and simple GPS with programmable processor works, including take off and land.

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