Friday, November 22, 2019

And you give a free pass to Florida and Texas massacres

Mexican cartel violence and American rights
Never letting a crisis go to waste, the left responded to the horrific deaths of American citizens —including children — in Mexico by calling for gun control here.
Writing in the New York Times earlier this month, Ioan Grillo said the best way to disarm Mexican criminal cartels is by disarming Americans.
“Last year, 70 percent of the weapons that Mexican security forces captured and submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or A.T.F., were confirmed to be made or sold in the United States,” he wrote.
This argument trivializes the deaths of the three young mothers and six of their children. It makes them unwitting recruits to a political battle they didn’t choose.
Worse, it gives a pass to the cartels and the corrupt government officials who overlook and even profit from the violence and criminal activity.
The same gun nuts and Republicans massacring high school students sell arms to Mexico:
But Mexico itself is a testament to the futility of gun laws. There, the criminals are well armed, the amateurish National Guard is outgunned, the citizens are defenseless, and the cartels and corrupt officials are unimpeded.
But the cartels know the dufisity you represent.  As long a Guv Abbot and Rick Scott promote NRA gun nut massacres, you will be running from the truth.

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