Friday, November 22, 2019

Debt repudiation

“The common thread between the 2017-2018 protests and those taking place today is the sense among many Iranians that the economy favors entrenched interests and that much of the nation’s wealth is not being spent on its people,” said Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, founder of Bourse & Bazaar, a website featuring economic analysis on Iran. “Iranian taxpayers are rightly wondering why they need to bear the brunt of fiscal reforms when entrenched interests continue to benefit from state funds while putting nothing back into the coffers.”

Same as Lebanon and Iraq.  The wealth of the elite is supported by the government willingness to take on debt, and that depends on the willingness of tax payers at the bottom. At some point those at the bottom realized they never voted for this crap froa long time ago.  That is why 'Debt is not what we owe to ourselves'.

Roger Farmer had it right, we are finite and government cannot extend the yield curve past our observable outlook from the past.

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