Saturday, November 23, 2019

We dig stuff from the ground, sell it t advanced civilizations

But a team of researchers thinks they may have uncovered the Rosetta Stone of the US labor market.
They recently unveiled the US Private Sector Job Quality Index (or JQI for short), a new monthly indicator that aims to track the quality of jobs instead of just the quantity. The JQI measures the ratio of what the researchers call “high-quality” versus “low-quality” jobs, based on whether the work offer more or less than the average income.
A reading of 100 means that there are equal numbers of the two groups, while anything less implies relatively lower-quality jobs. Here’s what it looks like:
US Job Quality Index
Three-month moving average
Cornell, CPA, USMK, GISP

Look at the friggen Treasury curve, that is the curve of a government serving ditch diggers

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