Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Adding another ten trillion in debt next year

We have a 2 trillion dollar start and will be seeing two trillion dollar deficits for several years.

Our ten year rate on Treasuries will barely hold to 1% with the additional; interest payments.  The retail banking sector is a goner, it is all moving to shadow banking, most of it online.  This is a huge opportunity to gain market share for the sandbox.  It is also a great opportunity for central banks to adopt sandbox, by the way. It certainly looks like a regime change for central banking, and they are all quite aware of sandbox theory.  We are still hopeful the New Fed can keep Congress at bay.

The CBO trajectory will shoot up like a rocket. Millennials looking at that will shit. Boomers will run for the hills.  Last moth should have been to moment to prepare for a regime change, but my computer was broke and I got Luddite fever. Plus, I had to scramble up the property tax or the unions would be on my ass, so I was planning to take virus month off work anyway, if you call this work.

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