Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cases going through remission

NYC Death Toll Spikes 110% in 36 Hours; Cuomo Blasts ‘Terrible’ Fed Plan as Cases Soar to 32K

These are 'infected' patients, they show the symptoms and test positive. I do believe, so they are really going through remission, potentially fatal. But in two weeks these are mostly 32k persons with a seasonal immunity at least (keeping fingers crossed). Basically 32k people who can go back to work.

There remains a category of unknown incubators showing little symptoms. The hope is that these folks get it, rest a day or two and have anti-bodies, but we do not have that data, yet. The goal would be to test folks and give them immune boosters before symptoms, force an early, mild remission.

But we need further evidence on the robustness of the anti-body, the finger crossed part.  Doubling time on death rates still does not bother me, yet. It is barely two weeks.

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