Thursday, March 26, 2020

Virus vs anti-body part two

This is the model of anti-bodies selling liquidity to viruses, but anti-bodies outnumber viruses by 40/1 based on immune time vs remission time. The assumption is that all parties have seen the virus, there are no cases where neither the virus has not been introduced.

Immune travelers can go anywhere. But virus travelers cannot go to an neighborhood with an outbreak, the traveler becomes lost in the statistics.  In other words, the virus travels very fast, adding new virus arrivals is small potatoes compared to any possible re-infection going on already.

The virus pays a high cost for liquidity.  In other words, an infected neighborhood has to send out quite a few travelers to find neighborhoods where the immunity is just wearing off.

We look at the Walmart checkout stand and note that there is instances where one customer and no clerk is queued up.  Clerks will have fermion statistics,  there is never a moment of two clerks in a queue on a structured queue, a generator.. There will be queue gaps.

If a clerk is waiting and no customer, the redundancy principle is violated. Clerks are occupying more bandwidth than an entropy maximizing system should, it is not adiabatic and an arbitrage is hanging.

Virus has a lot of movement with little staying power.

This model predicts strategies for living with the battle. Monitor communities that have not had outbreak in some time, they are a synchronous arbitrage waiting to happen. Shorten the remission times, the the right mix of symptom treatment,  and immune therapy.   We lose the battle  rarely. But the war never stops, like Vietnam War.

My home town Fresno is not equilibriated. But  the phase two we are facing is as if we were a neighborhood where the immunity seems to be wearing off. But at equlibrium there would be 30 other neighborhoods with active immunity.

Phase two in Fresno is mainly central Fresno, the pedestrians and camps. Then is phase three, it hits the upper crust surburbanites north of us.  Central Fresno will get its 40 deaths over the next four weeks. The Northerners another 20. Households in Fresno should be prepared for home medicine, a thermometer, chicken soup, Tylenol, and the clinic phone number.  If you feel ill, go home, take temperature, call the clinic, do not visit. Drink fluids arrange for a test.  Be prepared fopr sudden transport to emergency on signs of repiratory difficulty.

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