Clashes, fires near White House as protests escalate
But it Rhymes with LBJ/Nixon. The Antificants are the new radicals. What happens when the can won't kick.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
A shared dimension, R
It is a simple ideas. If we look at the center of the milky way and at another galaxy and compare in R, then the same ordering when taken from the center of the milky way should hold. The shared dimension is a separable mode of sequence in teach vacuum quant. Then nothing else matches except there will buy barely observable dual curvature of light So, the vacuum in our locality has a barely seen offset, among other regions there is a mediator of these offsets. Space is not expanding, a slight compression wave spirals through it. There is an orthogonal curvature in which vacuum deviations close, but it causes everyone's R to tend to zero that heir vacuum units be resorted. Lifeguards in the aether.
The earth center system of the universe. Worked great, at the time wi seasonal correction. I hear its wrong, but they still show sun centered universe to our kids every day.
It is not wrong, it is R, R can always be ordered and has utility if the instruments are not precise. R ordering should still work when treated as a toroidal geodesic. But the farther out one looks, the greater the spiral effect. The R ordering maintained but looking like bunched up distances.
Barely means we can work it out, find the Largrange spots. But it becomes a kind of Bayesian problem. We knows the path compressions from about six different possibilities. One clue is the increased observance of opposite curved protons far out, likely near nodal points. Try turning your spin experiment into a compass, point it along the axis where R is bunched, vs a sparse part of the axis. Put this experiment in orbit, far orbit. It becomes a kind of telescope. Then examine light bunched on the red shift spectrum. Are neutrinos the key?
The earth center system of the universe. Worked great, at the time wi seasonal correction. I hear its wrong, but they still show sun centered universe to our kids every day.
It is not wrong, it is R, R can always be ordered and has utility if the instruments are not precise. R ordering should still work when treated as a toroidal geodesic. But the farther out one looks, the greater the spiral effect. The R ordering maintained but looking like bunched up distances.
Barely means we can work it out, find the Largrange spots. But it becomes a kind of Bayesian problem. We knows the path compressions from about six different possibilities. One clue is the increased observance of opposite curved protons far out, likely near nodal points. Try turning your spin experiment into a compass, point it along the axis where R is bunched, vs a sparse part of the axis. Put this experiment in orbit, far orbit. It becomes a kind of telescope. Then examine light bunched on the red shift spectrum. Are neutrinos the key?
I propose a Palestine federation
Made of separate regions: Gaza, Israel, Palestine and Jordan Valley. Split autonomy a bit but maintain a federal government.
It is foul, but the alternative is not too good either. I would name it the Federation, a sort of stamp on four thousand years of history. If you are headed to the Middle East, first stop, The Federation. What a powerful money maker. This would tempt Syria to deal with the Golan.
It is foul, but the alternative is not too good either. I would name it the Federation, a sort of stamp on four thousand years of history. If you are headed to the Middle East, first stop, The Federation. What a powerful money maker. This would tempt Syria to deal with the Golan.
Take the governor
Montana barrels toward blockbuster Senate fight
I have been wrong about this before, like with Rick Scott who was caught instigating mass murder. But in this case, dumping the dufas Republican small state senator is generally the best bet.
Montana is heading for a high-stakes battle between popular two-term Gov. Steve Bullock (D) and first-term Sen. Steve Daines (R) that could help determine control of the upper chamber.Mostly we want a govenor of small states in the Senate.
Though Montana has traditionally voted Republican in presidential elections — handing President Trump a 20-point victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 — it has split its votes for statewide offices, including electing Democratic Sen. Jon Tester three times.
I have been wrong about this before, like with Rick Scott who was caught instigating mass murder. But in this case, dumping the dufas Republican small state senator is generally the best bet.
Hey, Kevin Drum. A better common denominator than lead poisoning.
Scientific American:
The push to prevent skin cancer may have come with unintended consequences—impaired brain function because of a deficiency of vitamin D. The “sunshine vitamin” is synthesized in our skin when we are exposed to direct sunlight, but sunblock impedes this process. And although vitamin D is well known for promoting bone health and regulating vital calcium levels—hence its addition to milk—it does more than that. Scientists have now linked this fat-soluble nutrient’s hormonelike activity to a number of functions throughout the body, including the workings of the brain.
“We know there are receptors for vitamin D throughout the central nervous system and in the hippocampus,” said Robert J. Przybelski, a doctor and research scientist at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. “We also know vitamin D activates and deactivates enzymes in the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth.” In addition, animal and laboratory studies suggest vitamin D protects neurons and reduces inflammation.
Then space is a torus
Dual curvature is at both ends. Dimensional analysis gets us there.
If the vacuum is at its limit in the proton, then it must have an equivalent limit orders up. It is bounded at one end, it cannot be open at the other, but light is still light, three dimensions is our limit.
We don't big bang, that is an illusion from local space flux. It is like looking at the torus and seeing a sphere, we dimensional overlap on the upper rate limit in the vacuum. Our local flux makes it so.
It is not that we have boson duplicate universes. The universes are separated by large fuzzy constant of vacuum, the hole in the torus. But we are not disconnected, we share one dimension.
The vacuum must be in mild flux between universes.
The proton torus makes the mass, it optimally compacts vacuum leaving neutral vacuum voids at low energy, we pass the vacuum as a sparse lattice, as if it were an aether, like my pal Lord Kelvin. The vacuum really does make snake coloring operators, like a quantized current in water.
If our mother quasar is between universes, then in this dual curved geodesic layer, the vacuum flux easily incoming and outgoing on two opposite paths. We would likely not observe ours, easily, but the quasars we see are again, across the torus hole, and coming at us in duplicate paths. Locally, anywhere we have compressed vacuum we will have vacuum expansion. On our boundary, vacuum depletion.
We big bang, in slow motion a little at a time. The mother quasar uses vacuum flux to maintain separation.
Mass is the actual relative movement of vacuum. But light gives the effect as it can recolor the deviation counts. The better model is stationary mass and movements of vacuum deviations through the matter lattice. If we have local expansion of space, then it is stronger the more that mass is compressing, it appears like energy gain from higher quantization. then we have gravity, objects gaining orbit to maintain curvature vertical. It is the apparent motion of vacuum deviations, L spots are real balance point for curvature in the vacuum. The notions of time and space can be approximated well, I would think. Looking in 12 spots in the sky, sharing one dimension; then apply the whole set of Einsteins, two at a time. Decode that red shift along two hypothetical paths, or try a two sided curvature in space time. Then see if the red shift can be partitioned across one axis, R distance out, and note the Einsteins you did. You can reconstruct the torus.
If the vacuum is at its limit in the proton, then it must have an equivalent limit orders up. It is bounded at one end, it cannot be open at the other, but light is still light, three dimensions is our limit.
We don't big bang, that is an illusion from local space flux. It is like looking at the torus and seeing a sphere, we dimensional overlap on the upper rate limit in the vacuum. Our local flux makes it so.
It is not that we have boson duplicate universes. The universes are separated by large fuzzy constant of vacuum, the hole in the torus. But we are not disconnected, we share one dimension.
The vacuum must be in mild flux between universes.
The proton torus makes the mass, it optimally compacts vacuum leaving neutral vacuum voids at low energy, we pass the vacuum as a sparse lattice, as if it were an aether, like my pal Lord Kelvin. The vacuum really does make snake coloring operators, like a quantized current in water.
If our mother quasar is between universes, then in this dual curved geodesic layer, the vacuum flux easily incoming and outgoing on two opposite paths. We would likely not observe ours, easily, but the quasars we see are again, across the torus hole, and coming at us in duplicate paths. Locally, anywhere we have compressed vacuum we will have vacuum expansion. On our boundary, vacuum depletion.
We big bang, in slow motion a little at a time. The mother quasar uses vacuum flux to maintain separation.
Mass is the actual relative movement of vacuum. But light gives the effect as it can recolor the deviation counts. The better model is stationary mass and movements of vacuum deviations through the matter lattice. If we have local expansion of space, then it is stronger the more that mass is compressing, it appears like energy gain from higher quantization. then we have gravity, objects gaining orbit to maintain curvature vertical. It is the apparent motion of vacuum deviations, L spots are real balance point for curvature in the vacuum. The notions of time and space can be approximated well, I would think. Looking in 12 spots in the sky, sharing one dimension; then apply the whole set of Einsteins, two at a time. Decode that red shift along two hypothetical paths, or try a two sided curvature in space time. Then see if the red shift can be partitioned across one axis, R distance out, and note the Einsteins you did. You can reconstruct the torus.
Albert needed a second order cosmology constant, but he is right, twice in a row, then its back to the future.
I still cannot believe Newsom ignorance
Roberts joins court's liberals to deny church's lockdown challenge...
How did Gavin decide to single out churches but not theaters? How did he fail to understand some basics. He fouled this up and now we have a jammed up court again as Due Process was tossed out the window.
Gavin should have known, by now, that Roberts is a real nightmare on the Supremes. Gavin has no clue, he is unable to connect dots and Jerry knew this at the time and never warned us.
Curfew squared:
How did Gavin decide to single out churches but not theaters? How did he fail to understand some basics. He fouled this up and now we have a jammed up court again as Due Process was tossed out the window.
Gavin should have known, by now, that Roberts is a real nightmare on the Supremes. Gavin has no clue, he is unable to connect dots and Jerry knew this at the time and never warned us.
Curfew squared:
National Guard on its way, curfew goes into effect throughout LA amid unrest
I thought we already had an emergency and curfew? Now we have a mess, evidently. This is a repeat performance, by the way. California been here, done this.
Neither Cornell West nor Colin Kaepernick will tell you this
'Two crises': Protests could fuel coronavirus resurgence, officials warn
Most of the protest leaders are unaware of this problem, which is how dumb they are.
This is a repeat performance, it is one of the usual steps we take toward our regularly scheduled partial defaults. Nothing will be put back together until the meeting of the elders. But we have few elders is our problem.
This is a repeat performance, it is one of the usual steps we take toward our regularly scheduled partial defaults. Nothing will be put back together until the meeting of the elders. But we have few elders is our problem.
My proton still has a hole, it is a torus
And that is mass. The hole makes the atom sparse and neutrinos can pass through allowing us to have a tendency to continue along a path of motion.
The proton has a hole because no other organization of vacuum can match the curvature of symmetric charge at the center of closure.
The inability to get closure with a small N is because there is no empty space, just the vacuum quants. It is the bandwidth of light versus the compression of finite tiny things. So all mass has a different one unique configuration of vacuum at its center, the necessary result of aliasing.
The torus in the proton should follow the quadruple Markov sequence if it has integer closure. The vacuum is a real, quantized aether
Saturday, May 30, 2020
It is not meth
US Army Deploys "Elite Trainers" To Help Colombia After Cocaine Production Triples
Be a little happy about cocaine vs meth.
Bernanke said the same thing
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell cast the central bank’s actions during the coronavirus crisis as aimed squarely at helping U.S. workers, a tactic to head off criticism which has dogged it since the last recession: that its policies primarily serve Wall Street and wealthier Americans.And research proved him wrong. Powell should have referred to some data, or prior research. He didn't and we would expect him to take the same line as Bernanke. His statement thus is meaningless.
Powell will try what Bernanke did, pump the stock market with the cooperation of the primary dealers, because Powell has the same problem, public sector pensions failing. This will come at the cost of the regulated banking sector. Credit will be limited to the wealthy.
Make shit up Supremes
The case began when a California church accused Gov. Gavin Newsom of violating its religious freedom. Newsom’s current COVID-19 policy limits attendance at houses of worship to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower. At the same time, it allows certain secular businesses, like grocery stores, to operate under looser guidelines, allowing more people to enter. The church claimed this disparate treatment between churches and commercial establishments runs afoul of the First Amendment.
What order?
"Consider modifying practices that are specific to particular faith traditions that might encourage the spread of COVID-19," the statement posted on the state's Covid-19 response page said. "Examples are discontinuing kissing of ritual objects, allowing rites to be performed by fewer people, avoiding the use of a common cup, offering communion in the hand instead of on the tongue, providing pre-packed communion items on chairs prior to service, etc."Two points. Newsom is clueless for mentioning churches at all, about one of the dumbest ideas around is a covid order specific to churches. Ho could Newsom have been so stupid?
Second, if any group is singled out like this, it is a Due Process and illegal taking. This simply demonstrates the complete ignorance of the US Constitution on California political elites, absolute stupidity.
I am with Kavanaugh. Roberts should never have let this kind of Newsom stupidity go by, Newsom simply too friggen stupid and constitutional law is quite simple. This was a case of make shit up.
The rioters will be catching the covid
As near as I can tell.
Speaking of race, here is one for Kevind drum:
Elevated Blood Lead Concentrations and Vitamin D Deficiency in Winter and Summer in Young Urban Children
Speaking of race, here is one for Kevind drum:
Elevated Blood Lead Concentrations and Vitamin D Deficiency in Winter and Summer in Young Urban Children
Blacks are vitamin D deficient and acquire lead easily. They also no doubt, acquire covid easier as a result. Black are the last people who should be hanging around in crowds.
Epidemiologic studies have found high vitamin D levels to be associated with lower risk of infections of the upper respiratory tract (colds). 4000 IE/day vitamin Dsupplementation is found to significantly increase the probability of staying infection free during the study period.
Perhaps a nationwide program to get Vitamin D to Blacks helps more than we think.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Discounting Kamala?
Biden: 'More than one African American woman' being considered for VP
Political identities, separate but equal, as long as Joe sees some nice boobs.
Political identities, separate but equal, as long as Joe sees some nice boobs.
Covid is the new line of symmetry
The post looks at the movement of people and discovers we are all, independently, adjusting our movements to deal with the virus threat. We have a corona risk adverse scale, and it is becoming our new spin. Until we get cured, then, all firms will first adjust their operations to handle the corona axis, and that becomes their main product, virus safety.
Also happening in the stock market. This is the triadic adjustment, a changing of the line of symmetry in a symmetry system limited to three lines. We are a coronanation.
Kling has been making this point.
What if your side loses?
Colin Kaepernick
He means Joe Biden:
When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction.Colin might not be the best general for the solution.
The cries for peace will rain down, and when they do, they will land on deaf ears, because your violence has brought this resistance.
We have the right to fight back!
Rest in Power George Floyd
He means Joe Biden:
“It’s natural to wish for life ‘to just get back to normal’ as a pandemic and economic crisis upend everything around us,” said Obama in the statement. “But we have to remember that for millions of Americans, being treated differently on account of race is tragically, painfully, maddeningly, ‘normal.’ ... This shouldn’t be normal in 2020 America.”It is Joe mired in a political identity crisis.
You have the simple arithmetic wrong
If an immediate adjustment to an unexpected supply shock that would return a complex economy back to the neighborhood of equilibrium is not even remotely likely, then the only way to ensure against a cumulative decline of aggregate output and employment is to prevent total spending from declining. And if total spending is kept from declining in the face of a decline in total output due to a supply shock, then it follows, as a matter of simple arithmetic, that the prices at which the reduced output will be sold are going to be correspondingly higher than they would have been had output not fallen.If we keep spending up; then people move, unnecessarily.
The idle economy with equal spending results in long lines and people move. It is a simply matter of congestion.
Lavington is a dunce because he thinks queues are perfectly compressible. The Nash equilibrium is always the same, when you are stuck at third place you eventually skip that queue. It is not a partial equilibrium except in flat earth, but that is an illusion. It is a matter of survival.
The is assumption that N scales appropriately. Lavington starts by trying to meet the Lucas condition, but lapses back to flat earth with his arithmetic error. A connected economy has discrete paths, by definition, they cannot be merged with prices. He is a dunce, sorry, and anyone who believes this nonsense is generally fooled by flat earth.
Glassner is dead wrong in his paper:
I read his abstract and he stats with inter temporal optimization which we do not do.
Inter temporal optimization is the flat earth illusion, we avoid long lings. Lines at the firm generally go with time, but we are not timing, we are calling ahead to see if it is crowded. The correct equilibrium is that we scale, we move from one location that is sufficiently independent from the other that we can find short lines.
Flat earthers have moved billions of people around unnecessarily using all sorts of means from crowds to bombs. The illusion seems to be associated with religion, a kind of Godot affliction.
The engineer who designs my refrigerator is flat earth and I have to replace it every few years because its can won't kick.
Attempted mass murder by the GOP
A Democratic Pennsylvania state representative went on a righteous tirade in a 12-minute video after learning that the Republican speaker of the House informed his party but not Democrats that at least one member of his caucus tested positive for COVID-19.I guess NRA mass shootings were not enough.
“Every single day of this crisis this State Government Committee in Pennsylvania has met so that their members could line up one after one after one and explain that it was safe to go back to work,” Rep. Brian Sims said on Facebook Live on Wednesday night. “During that time period, they were testing positive. They were notifying one another. And they didn’t notify us.”
This explains why Abbot of Texas wants to cram NRA nuts into the Ghost and Goblin churches.
Three phases of matter and their transition
Examples: For over a thousand years, the going theory of “chemistry” in Europe was the theory of the four elements: the world is made of the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. That is 100% wrong.It is not 100% wrong, and the evidence of it are rocks, feathers and water. Then, obviously, fire can convert between the three. I would call it a very workable theory until the instruments get better.
The question was: What is the most important knowledge?
Feynman answered was the knowledge of particle interaction. That is likely the most useful information, it gets the new generation some better instruments and leads to mathematics. I would agree, but it is not the most fundamental. The utility of a fermion and boson model is greatest. It is still not fundamental. Fundamental would be: We are limited to 3D measurements, but there is is a more granular separation between a set of finite universes. But that has little utility, it demands no actions.
More expnsive
Joe Biden Says He’s Spoken With George Floyd’s Family, Calls For Police Reform
Joe wants to hire nannys for us. Higher costs. Dumb cops are cheaper.
This is pure flat earth, we cannot scale up a nanny program, demand is too high.
Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization performed on entangled particles are found to be perfectly correlated. For example, if a pair of entangled particles is generated such that their total spin is known to be zero, and one particle is found to have clockwise spin on a first axis, then the spin of the other particle, measured on the same axis, will be found to be counterclockwise. However, this behavior gives rise to seemingly paradoxical effects: any measurement of a property of a particle results in an irreversible wave function collapse of that particle and will change the original quantum state. In the case of entangled particles, such a measurement will affect the entangled system as a whole.
When the experiment measures along the common axis, and the two other quiescent, then the upper partition, at the quasar, has already has enough curvature to split spin. Spin is the shared curve, it is the one being the best separation.
I always wondered, did they effect the experiment by removing local chaos prior to execution?
The vacuum is better than three. But just better enough to separate us from any other space curvature. So it minimizes to one shared dimension between quasars. That is far away, and it i a guarantee against the sudden disintegration. But we can get enough info to plot the finite number of possibilities onto some sort of 3D abelian groups map. With an Einstein telescope, one that partitions the incoming light into one or eh six or so possible configurations. Look at the relative density of black holes and quasars.
The split. The 3D worlds always gets x, the least resolved axis. We get the next two, the the two following belong to the quasar networks, and they resolve along two curvatures. Light is a bit more accurate than we think, but we can separate quasar worlds on a radial, we have that vertical. When we look at a black hole that means we are viewing along the hared symmetry. But from that black hole are space expansion, actual flow of vacuum, at minute and unobservable ,magnitude to us. At the tangent boundary, two quasar world share deviations along the other two, turbulent dimensions. But it is what gives us a good, separable 3D world.
Unknown to use, the miminal path the worlds move deviations back and forth. This granular kinetic energy make our space have a quant. It causes a sharing of N. But it is an independent color operator, except in the spin. But one world or the pother is changing N and that means some vacuum units need reprogramming.
The split. The 3D worlds always gets x, the least resolved axis. We get the next two, the the two following belong to the quasar networks, and they resolve along two curvatures. Light is a bit more accurate than we think, but we can separate quasar worlds on a radial, we have that vertical. When we look at a black hole that means we are viewing along the hared symmetry. But from that black hole are space expansion, actual flow of vacuum, at minute and unobservable ,magnitude to us. At the tangent boundary, two quasar world share deviations along the other two, turbulent dimensions. But it is what gives us a good, separable 3D world.
Unknown to use, the miminal path the worlds move deviations back and forth. This granular kinetic energy make our space have a quant. It causes a sharing of N. But it is an independent color operator, except in the spin. But one world or the pother is changing N and that means some vacuum units need reprogramming.
So big bang is right?
Big bangs happen all the time, it is a drawn out process likely managed by a few giant quasars. In the baryon world we walk backwards but neglect that there are many more unused paths than ewe realize. Like, you need to do Einstein some five times, then you can compute the imbalance, determine flow and vacuum decay for each surface in time meter units.. There should be a limit to the number of ways the vacuum can contort.
Plank and light?
Light needs three steps to correct a spot, so Plank is and inverse of light corrected for Boltzmand which is a generalized formula of Shannon Nyquist. So the universe is pick three of the five dimensions and have a go. 15 varieties, narrow down by equivalent universes. Relative to our mother quasar we are likely off in a dimension. The error is located in two modes of curvature in free space. So we have our 3D, and we have a fix on mother quasar by successive applications of Einstein.
When we think space is expanding it is just mother quasar breathing. Looking out across a center in 3D is really looking out cross a conic of vacuum in motion. But quasars are well separated on a five dimensional sphere, each dot in the sphere well be seem to us an expansion.
Decay rate of the proton the inverse of the N to the mth power, inverted. They do not evaporate and die out, they are consumed in another vacuum dimension, so out the farthest we can see is the vacuum decay rate. I think five is the limit in available dimensions. Plank and pals make that three steps always, so the dimensions will exchange vacuum. They will always have deviation sets orthogonal. It is a background flow or two dimensions I think, and we can likely just estimate a cosmopology constant, but there will be six or seen to try. We we see a quasar, it is not us, not yet, but its relative separation will need to be decoded. It is just taking your set of Einteins and taking combinatorials, three at a time. You should get some center if you can get a look at four of five quasars. It is like looking for the Higgs in reverse.
Plank and light?
Light needs three steps to correct a spot, so Plank is and inverse of light corrected for Boltzmand which is a generalized formula of Shannon Nyquist. So the universe is pick three of the five dimensions and have a go. 15 varieties, narrow down by equivalent universes. Relative to our mother quasar we are likely off in a dimension. The error is located in two modes of curvature in free space. So we have our 3D, and we have a fix on mother quasar by successive applications of Einstein.
When we think space is expanding it is just mother quasar breathing. Looking out across a center in 3D is really looking out cross a conic of vacuum in motion. But quasars are well separated on a five dimensional sphere, each dot in the sphere well be seem to us an expansion.
Decay rate of the proton the inverse of the N to the mth power, inverted. They do not evaporate and die out, they are consumed in another vacuum dimension, so out the farthest we can see is the vacuum decay rate. I think five is the limit in available dimensions. Plank and pals make that three steps always, so the dimensions will exchange vacuum. They will always have deviation sets orthogonal. It is a background flow or two dimensions I think, and we can likely just estimate a cosmopology constant, but there will be six or seen to try. We we see a quasar, it is not us, not yet, but its relative separation will need to be decoded. It is just taking your set of Einteins and taking combinatorials, three at a time. You should get some center if you can get a look at four of five quasars. It is like looking for the Higgs in reverse.
The uncertainty of N
How does motion happen?
I must be a literal recoloring of the surface operato,r running at the speed of light. a sphee in mtion will accumulate N, he smallest vacuum unit. Thus he cannot close the sphere. The sphere consumes N along the vertical of motion, and releases it opposite, the actual component of matter being subtly distorted by motion.
Another object nearby, stationary and larger, with less curvature equals more N. will be tangent to the other, and another line of symmetry happens in N adjustment. And further, in the case where the two bodies are too close then there is another line of curvature.
Take our model of indexed sets of things. Then put closed balls of them in a pool of our things. Watch them swim.
What is the minimal distribution of N required? Fields are just large pools of our thing. but the pool has to dissipate currents caused by motion and acceleration.
Is this connected to quarks? Yes, they are both made of the same things. Same rule scales by Avogadro. How many lines of curvature make up the world? Remembe, the disruption in the vacuum is counted locally, many Avogadro's^m up from the proton. Light introduces a free vacuum quant as it is the least deviation minimizing path. Proton have holes, it mostly passes through.
The rule of maximizing entropy use to utilize every new found axis of symmetry. Relativity is about adding a line of symmetry then finding the centroid, or Lagrange spot. The process has a king of momentum. In idle space there is likely hood of random N coloring for very small N, but that changes N distribution and feeds on itself. The Black hole reaches a limit, The vacuum unit must be finite bandwidth, since it counts integers. I am with the C > G crowd, I think recharging the vacuum unit happens at the limit and the Balck hole splits. At the limit the reachargng means the gravitation curvatures drop causing a division of N. The density so great the vacuum compression rolls over to free space. That becomes the minimizing path and i can resolve to a 3D system.
Light bends in because free space is the minimizing path so the color operator will attempt to consume it. Light and the curvature attempt a line of symmetry, but it is effectively always tangent to the curvature. Light doesn't change N much, except locally.
The vacuum unit simply compresses along one line of symmetry, and maybe can support some K positions, adapted, but fixed to that number. At some point it is never the minimizing path, it will roll over to the first position. The total N is or the order Avogardo to a power, a large power. Light, in every case, is constant, it is some three steps to a surface correction, every where, regardless of dimensionality. Light only corrects locally, it has no memory. I am thinking the ultimate black hole cou,es the vacuum at its most deviated. I*t consumes anything at the Baryon level. Dimension six might be the stopping point. At that point, there is constant radiation of free space. That is negative curvature. The free space creating the new line of symmetry, baryons, follow the tangent curvature.
So, my previous statement that light went with dimension needs a correction. Adding simension allows more light operators. And that comes out as faster light.
The quasar theory. The quasar is a finite limit to the vacuum and mus exist in steady state with the assorted dimensionals. It appears to consume in a swirl, and eject along a vertical. The two are both symmetrical curvatures solutions, there is only local adaption but baryons are mostly skirting the hole.
The net flow of vacuum into and out of is set somewhere else. There may be a decay possibility cofor a vacuum. Those the in and outs naturally adapt to that rate and reset the vacuum unit to pure unit one.
I must be a literal recoloring of the surface operato,r running at the speed of light. a sphee in mtion will accumulate N, he smallest vacuum unit. Thus he cannot close the sphere. The sphere consumes N along the vertical of motion, and releases it opposite, the actual component of matter being subtly distorted by motion.
Another object nearby, stationary and larger, with less curvature equals more N. will be tangent to the other, and another line of symmetry happens in N adjustment. And further, in the case where the two bodies are too close then there is another line of curvature.
Take our model of indexed sets of things. Then put closed balls of them in a pool of our things. Watch them swim.
What is the minimal distribution of N required? Fields are just large pools of our thing. but the pool has to dissipate currents caused by motion and acceleration.
Is this connected to quarks? Yes, they are both made of the same things. Same rule scales by Avogadro. How many lines of curvature make up the world? Remembe, the disruption in the vacuum is counted locally, many Avogadro's^m up from the proton. Light introduces a free vacuum quant as it is the least deviation minimizing path. Proton have holes, it mostly passes through.
The rule of maximizing entropy use to utilize every new found axis of symmetry. Relativity is about adding a line of symmetry then finding the centroid, or Lagrange spot. The process has a king of momentum. In idle space there is likely hood of random N coloring for very small N, but that changes N distribution and feeds on itself. The Black hole reaches a limit, The vacuum unit must be finite bandwidth, since it counts integers. I am with the C > G crowd, I think recharging the vacuum unit happens at the limit and the Balck hole splits. At the limit the reachargng means the gravitation curvatures drop causing a division of N. The density so great the vacuum compression rolls over to free space. That becomes the minimizing path and i can resolve to a 3D system.
Light bends in because free space is the minimizing path so the color operator will attempt to consume it. Light and the curvature attempt a line of symmetry, but it is effectively always tangent to the curvature. Light doesn't change N much, except locally.
The vacuum unit simply compresses along one line of symmetry, and maybe can support some K positions, adapted, but fixed to that number. At some point it is never the minimizing path, it will roll over to the first position. The total N is or the order Avogardo to a power, a large power. Light, in every case, is constant, it is some three steps to a surface correction, every where, regardless of dimensionality. Light only corrects locally, it has no memory. I am thinking the ultimate black hole cou,es the vacuum at its most deviated. I*t consumes anything at the Baryon level. Dimension six might be the stopping point. At that point, there is constant radiation of free space. That is negative curvature. The free space creating the new line of symmetry, baryons, follow the tangent curvature.
So, my previous statement that light went with dimension needs a correction. Adding simension allows more light operators. And that comes out as faster light.
The quasar theory. The quasar is a finite limit to the vacuum and mus exist in steady state with the assorted dimensionals. It appears to consume in a swirl, and eject along a vertical. The two are both symmetrical curvatures solutions, there is only local adaption but baryons are mostly skirting the hole.
The net flow of vacuum into and out of is set somewhere else. There may be a decay possibility cofor a vacuum. Those the in and outs naturally adapt to that rate and reset the vacuum unit to pure unit one.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Maxcine has a problem with adding and subtracting
Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump 'Dog-Whistling' Deaths of Blacks
It is a personal problem but her conclusions are generally way off.
Snippets in the news
The promising case of low-code testing
Low-code dev platforms have been around for 30 years, but in 2020, adoption has reached an inflection point. Today, a majority of developers report they are either planning on or have already implemented a low-code platform to build digital business applicationsIn 2020 we began to dump 32 bit architecture and the full 64 bit address range became very useful in tying low code snippets together. My little experiments were a common down load by others. Not that my method was best, but my method took a shot a complete use of that large address field.
Trump checking is illegal?
Trump signs order targeting social media firms' legal protections
Trump checking is also way too much work since eveyrthing about that family needs correction.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Affirmatively acted to the top of the pile
Report: Kamala Harris Now The Frontrunner For Biden’s VP
And Biden going on 87 years old?
The diversity department at Redneck U will be offering a Phd on this one. We are suspicious that Biden voted for the best boobs.
Revolting natives
Update (22:00ET): The protests that started yesterday in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, and escalated today including the looting of at least one Target store, have sparked a violent anti-police protest in LA with thousands blocking the 101 Freeway and attacking cop cars.
Trump is totally asinine
Trump's threats to shut down Twitter are 'totally asinine'
Our prez is a bit nutty.
Calculating with sets
Three sets of sets with integer indexed elements,x,y,z .
Define resolution. as the focal curve, x/y. The number of ways one can take y for the number of time x.
Confine our set to those for which:
y/xz are the number of partitions the set of y elements can make on txz paths, all paths considered.
But we can count dimensionality which allows commutatitivty among paths across a symmetry.
Define resolution. as the focal curve, x/y. The number of ways one can take y for the number of time x.
Confine our set to those for which:
y/xz are the number of partitions the set of y elements can make on txz paths, all paths considered.
Call that the resolution of the y elements over xz. If we specify the total resolution is one Then we cn derive the Markov and the nyquist conditions together. But dimension m allows communtativity across a line of symmetry, and need be included.
The inverse of resolution is number of partitions of x over yz. A Huffman encoder is matching resolution to a known set, in essence.
But we can count dimensionality which allows commutatitivty among paths across a symmetry.
Counting x,y,z in increments is an artificial but useful toot. It enforces independence of arrivals. One can use a bit of set calculus, showing on partition resolution is a continued fraction of the previous. We are counting around a closed path.
Closed path and total resolution equal one are the same. The artificial counter counts out all the paths at some resolution, and that count is constant. The counter x,y,z are constrained to solutions that have minimums in their total error.
Closed path and total resolution equal one are the same. The artificial counter counts out all the paths at some resolution, and that count is constant. The counter x,y,z are constrained to solutions that have minimums in their total error.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Markov quadruples
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 3
1 1 3 11
1 3 11 131
1 1 1 3
1 1 3 11
1 3 11 131
Similar jump:
w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 4wxyz
The fourth energy level down gives us two curvatures, one spin and the magnetic. That should be color chromatics. This configuration puts a hole into the Markov triples.
From quanta magazine a computer simulation of a proton coming apart. Those green blocks are the low energy Markov triples and maybe quadruples. The blue cloud are all the minimized paths coming back to life during the explosion.
From quanta magazine a computer simulation of a proton coming apart. Those green blocks are the low energy Markov triples and maybe quadruples. The blue cloud are all the minimized paths coming back to life during the explosion.
The proton has holes?
If we had another element of curvature we make a torus and it has a hole where vacuum space can maintain is energy level. Higher surface to volume makes more massive.
If we take an electron sped up, then its tendency is to outrun the ability of light steps to equalize the vacuum, so the more massiveness means the electron trying to add a second curvature. The electron needs to add a hole to relieve the pressure on the vacuum.
Motion imposes a new line of symmetry which the closed surface must accommodate. The electron should come with one enclosed hole, As it speeds, that hole moves faster along the motion axis until it is near the surface and causes a second line of curvature, making a guark and the vacuum disequilibrium releases photon.
General relativity is about making the Lagrange points into a torus, or more. Black holes, by some theory, is simply increasing the lines of curvature in the surface. The make Swiss cheese.
Every new hole creates another term in the continued fraction. Extending the dimensionality of the system is adding a curvature.
If we take an electron sped up, then its tendency is to outrun the ability of light steps to equalize the vacuum, so the more massiveness means the electron trying to add a second curvature. The electron needs to add a hole to relieve the pressure on the vacuum.
Motion imposes a new line of symmetry which the closed surface must accommodate. The electron should come with one enclosed hole, As it speeds, that hole moves faster along the motion axis until it is near the surface and causes a second line of curvature, making a guark and the vacuum disequilibrium releases photon.
General relativity is about making the Lagrange points into a torus, or more. Black holes, by some theory, is simply increasing the lines of curvature in the surface. The make Swiss cheese.
Every new hole creates another term in the continued fraction. Extending the dimensionality of the system is adding a curvature.
Color your beach ball
The pattern of strong charges for the three colors of quark, three antiquarks, and eight gluons (with two of zero charge overlapping).
Markov does gage theory without the translation to flat earth. Gauge is best understood has hyperbolic resolution, the angle.
I think the phycisists jumped a dimension, doing Markov trees with four rates. There is no negative and positive curvatures, just a partition between three curvatures.
I doubt they close a sphere, likely close a torus. There are two rates of curvature,in w,x,y,z. w to x and w to y. Each of those should close. The continued fraction is now fourth degree. At low energy two of those curvatures can agree and this reverts back to a 3D system.
I think the phycisists jumped a dimension, doing Markov trees with four rates. There is no negative and positive curvatures, just a partition between three curvatures.
I doubt they close a sphere, likely close a torus. There are two rates of curvature,in w,x,y,z. w to x and w to y. Each of those should close. The continued fraction is now fourth degree. At low energy two of those curvatures can agree and this reverts back to a 3D system.
Monday, May 25, 2020
We have better steroids today
"Worse Than The Great Depression" - Peter Schiff Fears '70s Stagflation "On Steroids" Ahead
Our expert leaders be that dumb? We haven't learned enough to do a slightly better Nixon?My snake is real
This is exactly the cell colored snake making a hydrogen atom.
It will shed skin to keep the current energy level designated by N, or xyz.
If my snake jumps up and energy level then the next layers of skin will have more granularity in its colors
In Markov units the shape and form stay the same, just complexity increases. In flat earth you will notice a longer, longer snake. The difference is in partition, each layer has minimized paths such that it only count deviations along a surface.
In flat earth coordinates, jumping to the next energy level is about computing the next volume, then remove the old volume to get the shell. In Markov units it is about removing all the redundant paths through the volume. The next shell is a continued approximation of the previous and the previous configuration is partitioned, mostly unaffected.
When my snake does an energy jump it takes the right side of Markov and removers all the previous redundant paths through the volume, and on the right side is is punching holes in new layer of snake skin so it can crisscross along the surface. Mainly it needs to spin about the curvature. So that extra layer of skin needs to rotate independent of the previous layer. The result is that it counts N to within an integer on the surface.
In atomic orbitals we assume the proton a point source meaning we can jump to energy level zero and 1. Not so, unfortunately, as the vacuum has bound compression error, it is Planked. My way of thinking says that there is a maximum shell in which the next curvature is too precise for Plank.
Two symmetrical energy levels are two snakes, the one chasing the other always one N in surplus, and thus even odd spin. And the quarks are unclosed, confined. They are two energy levels with insufficient N. These is constant energy level jumping and direct spin interaction. By direct spin interaction I mean Markov will not work.
When light cannot keep up the vacuum particles move relative to each other, an unstable symmetry. At stability only the relative squeese per vacuum can change. Markov has to refer to some external equations when N is directly manipulated, the system has to adapt. In that case, those Markov counters are uncertain, never quite right. It means the physicists do not really have a surface to volume relationship and need to compute both independently. Think of it as a message encoder but the messages keep changing shape. The physicists have to find all possible messages, work the under determined problem. They are working the pit boss problem because humans never have proper N and always adapt, leave direct collisions.
Playing around I can find markov trees for any dimensions, but they have huge numbers. They must all start in the minimized position, and the colors still restricted to a single rotation about the snake.
It will shed skin to keep the current energy level designated by N, or xyz.
If my snake jumps up and energy level then the next layers of skin will have more granularity in its colors
In Markov units the shape and form stay the same, just complexity increases. In flat earth you will notice a longer, longer snake. The difference is in partition, each layer has minimized paths such that it only count deviations along a surface.
In flat earth coordinates, jumping to the next energy level is about computing the next volume, then remove the old volume to get the shell. In Markov units it is about removing all the redundant paths through the volume. The next shell is a continued approximation of the previous and the previous configuration is partitioned, mostly unaffected.
When my snake does an energy jump it takes the right side of Markov and removers all the previous redundant paths through the volume, and on the right side is is punching holes in new layer of snake skin so it can crisscross along the surface. Mainly it needs to spin about the curvature. So that extra layer of skin needs to rotate independent of the previous layer. The result is that it counts N to within an integer on the surface.
In atomic orbitals we assume the proton a point source meaning we can jump to energy level zero and 1. Not so, unfortunately, as the vacuum has bound compression error, it is Planked. My way of thinking says that there is a maximum shell in which the next curvature is too precise for Plank.
Two symmetrical energy levels are two snakes, the one chasing the other always one N in surplus, and thus even odd spin. And the quarks are unclosed, confined. They are two energy levels with insufficient N. These is constant energy level jumping and direct spin interaction. By direct spin interaction I mean Markov will not work.
When light cannot keep up the vacuum particles move relative to each other, an unstable symmetry. At stability only the relative squeese per vacuum can change. Markov has to refer to some external equations when N is directly manipulated, the system has to adapt. In that case, those Markov counters are uncertain, never quite right. It means the physicists do not really have a surface to volume relationship and need to compute both independently. Think of it as a message encoder but the messages keep changing shape. The physicists have to find all possible messages, work the under determined problem. They are working the pit boss problem because humans never have proper N and always adapt, leave direct collisions.
Playing around I can find markov trees for any dimensions, but they have huge numbers. They must all start in the minimized position, and the colors still restricted to a single rotation about the snake.
Photonic movement in the original axis
My even odd Markov light triple:
2 5 29
After path minimization I get the minimized paths and the residual paths:
Minimized: 2 4 12
Retained 0 1 17
The top set never happens, the bottom set when issued as needed will keep the deviation count minimized. The color operator minimizes until this is a continued fraction solution.
That bottom set comes in even odd, two color operators. On with negative curvature one with positive. Both surfaces close on each other and appear to move across free space. The second counter hold charge, but it cancels out in the closed surface, and that large counter seems to push the charge field along. They act like two unclosed surfaces, but their combination is closed, as it was derived from a valid triple. The triple 1,1,17 is not a closable surface.
The magnetic field is maaking its normal Gauss enclosed surface, as is the charge. But the charge is treated as straight line in flat earth. The force is obtained via that path minimization.
One can see the ratio between magnetic and charge at 17. That relationship should appear somewhere when we transform to flat earth, likely as 16. But the value 2* 7 are the number of paths remaining between the middle and second counters. That has to become surface area. Distance is akin to the steps between the two centers of curvature for both surfaces.
This is the Bayesian theory of the photon. It contains the capacity of light. It relates energy levels to light operators. I closes the possible but finite sets of actions. Does not use flat earth, It shows the relationship between light steps and closed surfaces via path minimization. his conserves energy by conserving color operators. Does no use aggregates but uses deviations from the aggregate. It is naturally quantized and leads to a full service theory of particles and light at the quantum level. Engineers hate is. All it requires is that the smallest things be consistent and compressible across a scalar axis to some degree of uncertainty.
Try coloring two beach balls at the same time so they match at their joining. You find the beach balls keep moving in the direction of the axis joining the two color operators.
2 5 29
After path minimization I get the minimized paths and the residual paths:
Minimized: 2 4 12
Retained 0 1 17
The top set never happens, the bottom set when issued as needed will keep the deviation count minimized. The color operator minimizes until this is a continued fraction solution.
That bottom set comes in even odd, two color operators. On with negative curvature one with positive. Both surfaces close on each other and appear to move across free space. The second counter hold charge, but it cancels out in the closed surface, and that large counter seems to push the charge field along. They act like two unclosed surfaces, but their combination is closed, as it was derived from a valid triple. The triple 1,1,17 is not a closable surface.
The magnetic field is maaking its normal Gauss enclosed surface, as is the charge. But the charge is treated as straight line in flat earth. The force is obtained via that path minimization.
One can see the ratio between magnetic and charge at 17. That relationship should appear somewhere when we transform to flat earth, likely as 16. But the value 2* 7 are the number of paths remaining between the middle and second counters. That has to become surface area. Distance is akin to the steps between the two centers of curvature for both surfaces.
This is the Bayesian theory of the photon. It contains the capacity of light. It relates energy levels to light operators. I closes the possible but finite sets of actions. Does not use flat earth, It shows the relationship between light steps and closed surfaces via path minimization. his conserves energy by conserving color operators. Does no use aggregates but uses deviations from the aggregate. It is naturally quantized and leads to a full service theory of particles and light at the quantum level. Engineers hate is. All it requires is that the smallest things be consistent and compressible across a scalar axis to some degree of uncertainty.
Try coloring two beach balls at the same time so they match at their joining. You find the beach balls keep moving in the direction of the axis joining the two color operators.
Small states don't scale
Stakes high for Collins in coronavirus relief standoff
Nice article on revenue sharing.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who faces the toughest reelection campaign of her Senate career, is battling her own party over coronavirus relief funding for local and state governments hit hard by the pandemic.Maine is a larger Vermont, but still cannot scale against the large government programs demanded by New York. Well denied by the Godotists.
The Maine senator, in a state where President Trump is expected to lose the presidential vote, has co-sponsored a bill that would set up a $500 billion state and municipal recovery fund.
Collins scored a win during the negotiation of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act by co-authoring one of the bill’s most popular components, the small-business lending initiative known as the Paycheck Protection Program, to which Congress added another $320 billion last month.
But delivering another round of aid for beleaguered state and local governments, something which Maine desperately needs, is a tough challenge because of opposition from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and many other Senate Republicans.
“The pressure in Maine for those resources is huge,” said Mark Brewer, a professor of political science at the University of Maine.
He noted that a “huge amount” of Maine’s economy is based on consumer spending, tourism and fishing, which have all suffered because of the pandemic. Summer visitors are staying away and there has been a drop-off in demand from restaurants and overseas markets that buy seafood.
Nice article on revenue sharing.
If the Federal Government Won’t Fund the States’ Emergency Needs, There Is Another Solution
Eventually the Godotists would find this model. It takes a while to get them out of their talking points.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Counters like continued fractions
In a 1,2,4
The two has 1,2,1,2. This is he marking deviations plus 1/3, but relative to spin which is stuck at odd, taking up half the deviation resolution.
1/2 + 1/3 or 1+ 2/3
Followed by a 1,2,3,4,5 counter.
It revises the deviation count to:
1/2 +( [1/3 plus 1/6 or null]) or( 1+ 2/3 plus 1/6 or null])
Or something similar. The counters maintain a continued fraction of depth three. Someone made this a 3D universe, it has its limits.
The two has 1,2,1,2. This is he marking deviations plus 1/3, but relative to spin which is stuck at odd, taking up half the deviation resolution.
1/2 + 1/3 or 1+ 2/3
Followed by a 1,2,3,4,5 counter.
It revises the deviation count to:
1/2 +( [1/3 plus 1/6 or null]) or( 1+ 2/3 plus 1/6 or null])
Or something similar. The counters maintain a continued fraction of depth three. Someone made this a 3D universe, it has its limits.
A maximum
Why Avogadro's?
Imagine walking up the Markov tree, and you are segmenting spherical angle according to spin count.
You have a null at the center, the spot where disequilibrium operators went to to die. You reach a point of maximum precision, The surface appears too flat for light steps. Light needs ti dump one deviation for each local region being the 1,2,5. I needs to have at least one deviation difference between the middle and outer counts. The Planck affect.
Quarks will not close a surface.
The is a count of 3B in one of xyz. But that makes 9xBz a termination but there is no solution for x,B,z, none among the real positive integers. This is a request for the snake to make crossover holes.
Not in this dimension, sorry. But I can see that three would be the alias dimension. The proton has an N mismatch which causes its external reactions, especially the magnetic moment. And beta decay. Spin is flipping in and out via spin crowding and making short term photonic reaction. Two snakes, not enough N. One of the snakes, at a time, get segmented bosonic then retrace fermonic. If the snake cannot close then the two ends leave a spin moment, and other one end has spin collision and reverses countt. There will be a lot of reverse curvature.
Imagine walking up the Markov tree, and you are segmenting spherical angle according to spin count.
You have a null at the center, the spot where disequilibrium operators went to to die. You reach a point of maximum precision, The surface appears too flat for light steps. Light needs ti dump one deviation for each local region being the 1,2,5. I needs to have at least one deviation difference between the middle and outer counts. The Planck affect.
Quarks will not close a surface.
The is a count of 3B in one of xyz. But that makes 9xBz a termination but there is no solution for x,B,z, none among the real positive integers. This is a request for the snake to make crossover holes.
Not in this dimension, sorry. But I can see that three would be the alias dimension. The proton has an N mismatch which causes its external reactions, especially the magnetic moment. And beta decay. Spin is flipping in and out via spin crowding and making short term photonic reaction. Two snakes, not enough N. One of the snakes, at a time, get segmented bosonic then retrace fermonic. If the snake cannot close then the two ends leave a spin moment, and other one end has spin collision and reverses countt. There will be a lot of reverse curvature.
Principle quantum numbers
They are the number of deviations needed to spread on a surface.
The small counter is simply counting N. Each of the segments in the spin counter can have a isolated color operator. That is why we have Pauli exclusion. An energy jump is a jump up the Markov. For beach ballers, it is a standard increase in surface deviations to cover the volume contained in this deviation surface..
What we are interested in is the angular space between spin segments relative to a center. The spin should be geodesic in that is splits angular space by some integer. Curvature should always work out, being quite quantized, and relatively limited.
When curvature is too much we get quarks is the basic idea. The operator recolors. There is a limit in the 3D world, the sampling rate, 3/2 , has a point of maximum multiplicity. I dunno how to jump beyond the Markov.
The small counter is simply counting N. Each of the segments in the spin counter can have a isolated color operator. That is why we have Pauli exclusion. An energy jump is a jump up the Markov. For beach ballers, it is a standard increase in surface deviations to cover the volume contained in this deviation surface..
What we are interested in is the angular space between spin segments relative to a center. The spin should be geodesic in that is splits angular space by some integer. Curvature should always work out, being quite quantized, and relatively limited.
When curvature is too much we get quarks is the basic idea. The operator recolors. There is a limit in the 3D world, the sampling rate, 3/2 , has a point of maximum multiplicity. I dunno how to jump beyond the Markov.
My snake
We can see what this requires. Along the axis 1,1,1 to x,y,z the x counter must lay out a ring of marks on some surface around that axis but perpendicular to the x axis. So these deviation counters spiral outside and long that centroid. But they drop every two thirds measurement because of cross over.
So I am counting some deviations axis, say t from 111 to xyz, all combinations. t will have bounded error in that can always get the current t by flooring. My spirals are at a relative tilt.
My snake will close and maintain bounded deviations.
A colored snake connected in a loop defines a constant curvature.
So crossing my rope once make even odd, crossing twice gets me the tripod. And we have lots of cross overs when deviation count is minimized. My snake goes in and out of each partition.
My snake makes a centroid in any partition.
I sample each counter at Nyquist but dump every third counter. Total sample rate is 3/2.
Dropping a hole, (skipping one mark on the circle), Means the fast counter will fill it immediately. These are combined paths making, and constant light steps can maintain deviation count.
Take my three colored snake, lay it straight. Rotate the middle counter a notch and tthe snake will curve. You can bias curvature with that little trick Rotate the larger counter notches in the counter direction and the snake curves the other direction. Rotate the small counter and the he snake will count from the other end.
I bet my snake counts out the atomic orbitals.
Fed. Wiping out the retail banks
Banks gone since Bernanke:
Fed operations are essentially a regressive sales tax on banking. A contraction of your banking network is deflation, we got it and real rates on government money are higher than advertised. We are seeing some economists consistently wrong in the same direction.
"In 2018, there were 4,708 FDIC-insured commercial banks in the United States. The FDIC, of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is an agency that insures the banking system in the U.S. The number of such registered banks has been declining since 2002, when it there were over 7,800 FDIC-insured banks in the country. In 2018, there were 4,708 FDIC-insured commercial banks in the United States.Keynesians are not looking.
Fed operations are essentially a regressive sales tax on banking. A contraction of your banking network is deflation, we got it and real rates on government money are higher than advertised. We are seeing some economists consistently wrong in the same direction.
The anti color operatopr
It is the negative Markov, counts the deviation counter down.
But even/odd can always be spit, so negative has no meaning. charge can count backwards negative, but not magnetic, it is one or the other.
The magnetic spin reverses relative to charge in the operator.
So the magnetic counter counts backwards. Out deviation count goaes as:
Deviation from an integer is 1/2 refined by plus or minus 1/3 refined by minus one/fifth of minus two fifths. The operator still needs to carry four magnetic, immaterial the direction of count.
But the color operator still carries a minus 1/5, and needs to minimize that with the next neighbor, which will either be magnetic or charge. That means the magnetic spin is one short, and curvature will be reverse. The color operator is doing a spin from transitions to transition around the deviation count. It will always force curvature either up or down relative to the two other axis for closure. Again, they are relatively prime, the larger counting more granular elements.
But even/odd can always be spit, so negative has no meaning. charge can count backwards negative, but not magnetic, it is one or the other.
The magnetic spin reverses relative to charge in the operator.
So the magnetic counter counts backwards. Out deviation count goaes as:
Deviation from an integer is 1/2 refined by plus or minus 1/3 refined by minus one/fifth of minus two fifths. The operator still needs to carry four magnetic, immaterial the direction of count.
But the color operator still carries a minus 1/5, and needs to minimize that with the next neighbor, which will either be magnetic or charge. That means the magnetic spin is one short, and curvature will be reverse. The color operator is doing a spin from transitions to transition around the deviation count. It will always force curvature either up or down relative to the two other axis for closure. Again, they are relatively prime, the larger counting more granular elements.
Those pesky atomic angles
When Markov of 5,13,z.
If angulat momentum is split three or more ways, then relative curvature increasing, N remains the same.
Orbitals segment by spine state. That leave high charge deviation per segment or more curvature, and more magnetic spin on color operator.

In the orbital set up observed, my color operator need to enter and exit each of those lobes. Hence the squares in Markov, the three counters must count twice each time the deviation count is minimum, at the center.
But the segments are split, to the nearest 1/2 and to the nearest 1/3 of that and so on. But the spin deviations are split and the charge deviations are split, There is excess charge per lobe, curvature decreases. They call principle quantum number N. It is really the total count of deviations. N does not always cause a jump in Markov, it can cause a segmentation, like even odd deviation counts, but each segment is insufficient for closure. This diagram sholdt be changes to represent the hyperbolic ruler, a snake that spirals the deviation count. Then this diagram would be a snake, connected and traversing the interiors of those lobes in order. If it were a tree color knotted snake then at the center, each traversal of the snake one notch counts one integer the surfaces holding round off error..
The cheats, multiple energy levels mean multiple Markov points, I think. We are counting deviations along the surface. Without rectangularization, green, the faster counter is much taller, and the Black even much more squashed.
My snake would corkscrew itself through the entire length and the lobes would all turn to the same consistent white, in a 3D translation.
If angulat momentum is split three or more ways, then relative curvature increasing, N remains the same.
Orbitals segment by spine state. That leave high charge deviation per segment or more curvature, and more magnetic spin on color operator.

In the orbital set up observed, my color operator need to enter and exit each of those lobes. Hence the squares in Markov, the three counters must count twice each time the deviation count is minimum, at the center.
But the segments are split, to the nearest 1/2 and to the nearest 1/3 of that and so on. But the spin deviations are split and the charge deviations are split, There is excess charge per lobe, curvature decreases. They call principle quantum number N. It is really the total count of deviations. N does not always cause a jump in Markov, it can cause a segmentation, like even odd deviation counts, but each segment is insufficient for closure. This diagram sholdt be changes to represent the hyperbolic ruler, a snake that spirals the deviation count. Then this diagram would be a snake, connected and traversing the interiors of those lobes in order. If it were a tree color knotted snake then at the center, each traversal of the snake one notch counts one integer the surfaces holding round off error..
The cheats, multiple energy levels mean multiple Markov points, I think. We are counting deviations along the surface. Without rectangularization, green, the faster counter is much taller, and the Black even much more squashed.
My snake would corkscrew itself through the entire length and the lobes would all turn to the same consistent white, in a 3D translation.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A measure of precision

The red is the uniform uncertainty is a measurement coming form an integer deviation counter of rate cosh.
I we think in terms of three cosh curves, rotated about each of he three axis. We count N from 1 to N along the axis specified by 1,1,1 to x,y,z. t each steps the deviation couns increment by rate, and counted rate steps around its axis of the conic and colors it.
As the axis is marked from 111 to xyz, all the deviation counters will spiral up that axis marked a discrete ribbon about their rotated cosh.
The Markov node of the even odd variety must be light modes. Boson statistics can recolor the surface, from odd then back to even, so light is a deviation bundle counting N, the light capacity of free space is an N density.. Light moves because it splits into a positive curvature followed by a negative curvature, the magnetic rotation of the color operator opposite of each other. It moves because it removes deviations in N.
Charge isn't negative? No curvature is is reversed on the operators. The magnetic field on the proton, is accurate, and reversed and 'stitches' up the points along the rotation where deviation counts would otherwise be maximum.
So the vacuum can curve, and is favorable to the natural curve of compression. The vacuum element can spin in either even/odd, unless we are talking quarks. Charge is rae of curvature. The vacuum is absolute positive, no negative, no zero. Most of the grunt work done by the magnetic. When N is assume infinite, or always locally sufficient, then light appears as a closed surface moving across some N of minimum divergence.
Quarks are a faild attempt to jump into the 5,y,z branch of Markov. Not enough N. It is under sampled, does not close and quarks are escape partitions. Pauli exclusion is true because the quarks will not close. So there is constant flipping between boson and fermion. Light cannot keep up with spin and spin destabilizing will spin segment with opposite spin, the N partition lets light in the first catch up and spin partition becomes charge partition. Too few N for two operators, two many for one. The under sampling comes to 3/2, it should be 2,
To close the surface you need N, otherwise you keep recoloring or keep losing partitions in N.
I we think in terms of three cosh curves, rotated about each of he three axis. We count N from 1 to N along the axis specified by 1,1,1 to x,y,z. t each steps the deviation couns increment by rate, and counted rate steps around its axis of the conic and colors it.
As the axis is marked from 111 to xyz, all the deviation counters will spiral up that axis marked a discrete ribbon about their rotated cosh.
The Markov node of the even odd variety must be light modes. Boson statistics can recolor the surface, from odd then back to even, so light is a deviation bundle counting N, the light capacity of free space is an N density.. Light moves because it splits into a positive curvature followed by a negative curvature, the magnetic rotation of the color operator opposite of each other. It moves because it removes deviations in N.
Charge isn't negative? No curvature is is reversed on the operators. The magnetic field on the proton, is accurate, and reversed and 'stitches' up the points along the rotation where deviation counts would otherwise be maximum.
So the vacuum can curve, and is favorable to the natural curve of compression. The vacuum element can spin in either even/odd, unless we are talking quarks. Charge is rae of curvature. The vacuum is absolute positive, no negative, no zero. Most of the grunt work done by the magnetic. When N is assume infinite, or always locally sufficient, then light appears as a closed surface moving across some N of minimum divergence.
Quarks are a faild attempt to jump into the 5,y,z branch of Markov. Not enough N. It is under sampled, does not close and quarks are escape partitions. Pauli exclusion is true because the quarks will not close. So there is constant flipping between boson and fermion. Light cannot keep up with spin and spin destabilizing will spin segment with opposite spin, the N partition lets light in the first catch up and spin partition becomes charge partition. Too few N for two operators, two many for one. The under sampling comes to 3/2, it should be 2,
To close the surface you need N, otherwise you keep recoloring or keep losing partitions in N.
Joe Biden mired in the identity groups politics
The guy walks into a manure pile, cannot get out. I say we give him an honorary degree in diversity and he can drop the whole mess. I will bring it up at Redneck U at the board meeting. Note however what Ole Redneck has never offered a major in diversity, just a minor.
Like inflation, everyone talks about it but no one defines it
Trump Considering a Panel to Investigate Conservative Bias
They seem mostly Senators stuck in ear mark land.
All trying to find stability in a world tide of humongous economies on the coasts. So, there savior is National Review, but NR cannot suurvive without the ghosts, goblins and guns crowd.
All trying to find stability in a world tide of humongous economies on the coasts. So, there savior is National Review, but NR cannot suurvive without the ghosts, goblins and guns crowd.
The House ends up with all the socialism, not by design but by default, the Senators are not getting cash for the state capitals. Get cash to those small state capitals and a lot of this cultural crap we suffer goes away..
Nancy can learn a lesson
The small states do not have the billionaires, they are out on the cost. The cost of buying off that group is trivial compared to the cost of sticking them in earmark land. Cash to the small state capitals will wash away a whole bunch of nonsense, it gives the small states some maneuvering power in a huge tidal sea. A payoff washes not just the bizarre right, but the bizarre left, the Bernie's who come from small states. The focus is shifted to what matters, efficiency out of the neanderthal Senate.
The problem
Once Nancy tries this the results will be good and we will say,'How did we ever get by in the old method', and we will look back and see enormous losses from past buffoonery. e will demand a partial default. Bu we will be smart about it, make some substance with a long term Fed contract for independence. Our monetary shock will be mild, a few years of stagflation, never peaking past seven percent. We end up operating at a more liquid spot on the Markov Tree, for some time, then review.
Nancy can learn a lesson
The small states do not have the billionaires, they are out on the cost. The cost of buying off that group is trivial compared to the cost of sticking them in earmark land. Cash to the small state capitals will wash away a whole bunch of nonsense, it gives the small states some maneuvering power in a huge tidal sea. A payoff washes not just the bizarre right, but the bizarre left, the Bernie's who come from small states. The focus is shifted to what matters, efficiency out of the neanderthal Senate.
The problem
Once Nancy tries this the results will be good and we will say,'How did we ever get by in the old method', and we will look back and see enormous losses from past buffoonery. e will demand a partial default. Bu we will be smart about it, make some substance with a long term Fed contract for independence. Our monetary shock will be mild, a few years of stagflation, never peaking past seven percent. We end up operating at a more liquid spot on the Markov Tree, for some time, then review.
Ghost and goblin crowd
COVID-19 cases first contracted by a pastor and his wife ended up spreading to 35 others who attended events at their rural Arkansas church that resulted in three deaths, a troubling report revealed Friday.Likely killed off some gun nuts in the process.
An additional 26 cases in the community occurred among people who had contact with those who participated in the church events, according to the study by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One of them also died.
The study was released the same day President Donald Trump demanded churches and other houses of worship reopen for services amid the coronavirus crisis. He deemed religious services “essential” and threatened to override governors who ignored his orders for health and safety reasons. Legal experts don’t believe he has the authority to do so.
My Hometown
Fresno State furloughs about 60 athletics employees amid COVID-19 budget crunch
The minimum wage workers, mainly. Administrators still keep their salary.
Drone vs Meathead
Elite US Marine Unit Conducts Live-Fire Drills In Persian Gulf "Message To Iran"
Five cheap high flying drones and this aircraft is toast.
They do the same to our Patriot systems in Saudi Land. Somebody will get a clue that these systems are not worth the money. Our military is accumulating a bunch of this worthless military gear, trillions of the worthless stuff. The Defense department i boxed into ear mark corner courtesy of the ignorance in the Senate. The solution is a public hanging of John McCain's corpse.
US Military be sinking oil tankers?
US Threatens to Prevent Iranian-Venezuelan Mutual Assistance
Kind of a stupid move if you ask me. But Trump will do it, the guy is nutty.
And Trump still has a tiny penis:
Study: Men refusing to wear masks = ‘toxic masculinity’ and racism
And Trump still has a tiny penis:
Study: Men refusing to wear masks = ‘toxic masculinity’ and racism
Low reaolution Lie groups in the economy
Like the large integrated east and west coast economies both very sticky through the cycle. But they make the loop. Outside are a set of nimble players.
The Swamp does not close, it is like the proton. Hence the need for efficient trading between the House and Senate. Kinetic energy is delta N, people having to move because the local aggregation was way off in deviations. From state of covid infested churches. This economy generates a shitload of unnecessary moving around of N. What Marx said, what Lucas said what Hayek said, what Coase said.
The Swamp does not close, it is like the proton. Hence the need for efficient trading between the House and Senate. Kinetic energy is delta N, people having to move because the local aggregation was way off in deviations. From state of covid infested churches. This economy generates a shitload of unnecessary moving around of N. What Marx said, what Lucas said what Hayek said, what Coase said.
Think Lie group

This machine will implement a Marfov deviation counter, count around the ring of hyperbolic angles, by geodesics. There will be an ordered count of some finite deviation counter from 111 to xyz, with resolution maximum and rotation jitter minimum, in three dimensions.
We are concentric because relative primeness makes the long counter more than sufficiently accurate.
Then this has focus, it is curved and aims at some start of a knot in the center and counts along the knot axis. Look closely. This is a thinned factorial tree, it is combining the symmetric moves the knot can do.
I make a prediction. To keep the Lie groups in stability we need to run the loop one and a half times per group. That is what is needed to just keep deviations bound. This is efficient, it utilizes the higher precision of the outside rings. We are counting sequential integers around the ring, aggregate The disequilibrium in N spirals out. There is a theorem on this, Markov counting hyperbolic angles. But there will be a maximum N. some N which cannot equally dissipate the spirals at the edge.
My Franciscan culture!
Students say goodbye as Our Lady of Victory Catholic school in Fresno closes
Mine was Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They tried making me a priest, didn't take.
Covid's effect is neutral
Bad, but evenly accepted. That is what makes black, we are equally frigged. So forebearer and forbearee both know the other party is in the same doo doo.
The instability came before and we had contracted a year ago.
So this is black times purple and I dunno yet. I really depends on the immunology pros. The bad? It is a pain disease to have, a nightmare I hear and takes time to recover. But immunity seems long enough to tackle in aggregate, at the minimum.
The instability came before and we had contracted a year ago.
So this is black times purple and I dunno yet. I really depends on the immunology pros. The bad? It is a pain disease to have, a nightmare I hear and takes time to recover. But immunity seems long enough to tackle in aggregate, at the minimum.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Angle resolution counting markers
So, along the axis, each sets marks ate the appropriate frequency with implied resolution by spacing.
In the case x=1, there is one way to get two deviation counts out of x. The condition can only be met if z rolls twice per rotations about the various resolutions. There is always more than a sparse moves for z to have two deviation happen, because of relative primeness.
It seems clear that counting deviations is a spiral by the color operator, each of the axis count fixed resolutions from 1,1,1 to xyz. Each of the axis counting out their mark\s in equal resolution on the deviation surface.
On the beach ball this is like trying to fit pancakes on the surface, each pancake on step through the angle counter. We need a motion picture, we need to see the error surface get colored as it dimensionalizes our idiosyncratic models.
As a view finder

You are inside this closed lens trying to locate part of a folded DNA sequence. Like having a microscope ion the cell and changing focus, but the focus is three axis and you lens is this closed error surface.
We can make of of these microscopes for real if we can get three orthogonal spectra on those DNA folds. his is just another game pf perturbation heory, no? Another form of those knot moves.
We can lower frequencies to a range the excites the amino acids. Then this matched, three frequency tuned lens lets us look slightly off angle and see the various colors, like a prism. The result should be a time series, and this is all kinetic within the protein, if done gently. That means we can decompose, with high speed pics, find the hidden folds.
But we can see, all this is about finite, curved color operators.
Deviations count hyperbolic angles, hyperbolic angle is resolution
Hyperbolic and is the relative deviation between cosh^2 and snnch^2
They also rotate, one end of the knot find the pother. The rotation operate is a squeezer, it squeeze sinh and expands cosh to create a rotation in angle to another spot on the hyperbola. Ant the hyperbolic angle is scaled.
Those rates count x,y on the \hyperbola with different, but sequential angles which roll over. They inversely count the resolution error on each axis. That resolution error should count as hyperbolic angle. x is the number of position points occupied along one angle group, and so forth. X then covers one rotation about its error group, and so one. xyz are the total accumulated errors when all have independently counter their error group. allong the hyperbola, now a 3D closed shell we will see discrete hyperbolic angles which are in fact units of resolution.
x,y,z are deviations counts and each has an associated hyperbolic angle sequence, and hyperbolic angle is resolution. It i just like a finite element computer geek, marking this error surface so deviation counts are in integer, and they sequential count but produce the finite element size for that region, keeping the accumulated with bounds.
So, yes, there is a disputed theorem relating hyperbolic to Markov, I think it true. The key is to introduce resolution and show it equivalent to angle. Solve another whole class of problems concerning round off error in 3D systems.
Room to unravel
So we are counting deviations from the minimum. The minimum is a knot and needs that amount of round off error to resolve. When x,y,z get large, the condition still holds inside of the larger color operator.. The error counter is a fixed, reduced factorial tree, and deviation count never happen more than twice for any of the relatively prime deviation counters. The solutions force curvature in the integers because the dimension is three, it won't fit on a plane. His operator is not always at minimum at the boundary. Each of those counts have an independent symmetry and cannot be minimal at the boundary.
The integers x,y,z are really rates. The number of ways we can make a pair from x, is ultimately a relative occurrence from y or z. The xyz are the orders system of counts along the knot. Your color operator is like one complete move with this device:
Another version of Chinese remainder. The color operator ios a curve imposed on a geo disc on the sphere surface. It can undergo a series of complete shifts along two axis and a shift. In other words, it makes three orthogonal moves, rotations inside this geodesic.
That move sequence can be modeled as a rope, kinking around itself, inside the sphere. We are coloring the surface to make make room for each of the knot crossings. Each time the operator moves, it counts one more notch up the knot central axis of spiral.
The deviation count must be at the resolution of the knot crossing rank, coherent to he various rotations of the knot about is spiral axis. Both tri colored.
One can play a game of whack a mole if we converted a colored beach ball into a geodesic hand toy. The idea would be to find two legal rotations that makes the beach ball separated by color. There would be some finite number of geodesics, and each geodesic has independent rotation of its like color operators.
In the sandbox.
The pit boss is managing the deviation counts, the independent agents generate their own savings and loans; except the pit boss, separately, keeps y,z Huffman encoded to represent a valid integer sets x. and y. The pit boss operate on the 1,x,y nodes. Then he sets interest charge to make himself within 1. The result is a liquidity swap, and liquidity is counted in integer deviations from resolution adjusted samples. Liquidity counts as if it were uni of denominations, like money, along the 1,y,z Markov axis.
If the pit boss takes a profit it has wandered to one of the other Markov axis.
Net covid effects
I estimate to be a three quarter recession under the assumption that the geneticists are as smart as I think they are.
The collaterals are the conditionals imposed, mostly by large institutions, corporates and government, but not out of balance with the real costs. A one time cost. These immunology models with response teams, along with an increasingly likely seasonal immunity, if not longer, along with the array of immunity boosters developed does the trick. Some businesses hit harder, the restaurants. Many of them reconfigure for drive through and on line pre-order along with reserved, but separated tables, especially patios. Their environments will specialize in virus safety, well ventilated up and out, high walled and screened table, family separate dining rooms.
There will be a total domination of delivery trucks for some time, get used to that. I dunno about work environments, I never liked them anyway. And a whole bunch more, unseen by me. They are not all single sided changes, there is observable bad and good in any even/odd priors hat.
The collaterals are the conditionals imposed, mostly by large institutions, corporates and government, but not out of balance with the real costs. A one time cost. These immunology models with response teams, along with an increasingly likely seasonal immunity, if not longer, along with the array of immunity boosters developed does the trick. Some businesses hit harder, the restaurants. Many of them reconfigure for drive through and on line pre-order along with reserved, but separated tables, especially patios. Their environments will specialize in virus safety, well ventilated up and out, high walled and screened table, family separate dining rooms.
There will be a total domination of delivery trucks for some time, get used to that. I dunno about work environments, I never liked them anyway. And a whole bunch more, unseen by me. They are not all single sided changes, there is observable bad and good in any even/odd priors hat.
Hey, Nancy, buy your Senate
Modify the stimulus, include 5 billion cash per state capital. You will get efficiency, old Berrnie will go home and you will see some bright technocrats pop up in Vermont.
Total losses are small, California could use 5 billion in cash at the moment. But you will be piling on properly, buying long term expertise from all these small states, and they have it. You get that expertise in the Senate and that is a long term investment, long term productivity gains. The Senate collective would never let a Alabama religopervervcowboy fake in the chamber.
Total losses are small, California could use 5 billion in cash at the moment. But you will be piling on properly, buying long term expertise from all these small states, and they have it. You get that expertise in the Senate and that is a long term investment, long term productivity gains. The Senate collective would never let a Alabama religopervervcowboy fake in the chamber.
Debt is a transfer of liquidity
Repeat after me: debt is money we owe to ourselves. It doesn't make the nation as a whole poorer.
I n our case it has been well demonstrated that public debt, visa central banking, results in wealth concentration.
What Delong and Krugman will not say is that the shift in liquidity to government happened almost two years ago, and has not changed. What they get right is that we all are 'Keynesians' now, that moment Nixon commented about before the gold defaults. That is the debt that may be reversed.
But that is not in the charts, so fare, the prior liquidity shift is in the charts, it means less retail banking and ore wealth concentration, which we have all been watching. That has already happened, Krugman calls it headwinds but refuses to name it, Delong is in denial.
There was the seven year rebuilding time for the California public sector, it is still there, and it hasn't changed, so far. The side effects of covid are all about slowing down the previous adjustment process. It is the conditionals and skew bot that these two do not track, others do track them. The conditionals, in this case, is the piling on we see, the 'Never let a crisis' thing. They are not reversible, the path back from covid conditionals to relative independence is erased. We end up coloring more beach ball then we planned.
Jerry Brown calls us the boom and bust economy. No other UC economist has done a better job of economic analysis. We were all ready, had out tax fights everywhere, local governments having hiring freeze, our Supremes in full union defense, unions over ruling legislative duties. All the usual signs of our periodic readjustments, well observable.
Relative price variation vs inflation
What I do not like about this: it does not stress that inflation is the equilibrium flex-price optimal response to the current crisis:Price variation will be proportional to growth. There is no trick to make it otherwise until we have a partial default. Do I need to put up a long term chart on the implicit price deflators?
1. We have _a lot_ of temporary structural adjustment to do during the shutdown phase as we shift economic activity to sectors that do not 1/
mentions require social contact. With downward rigidity, that means prices in expanding sectors ought to rise—a lot—to give the market the right signals to adjust.
Perhaps Brad need a better definition of inflation, but the price deflator is the best I have seen, and it has been dropping almost continually since the 1980s. The more debt, the more that deflator drops. So debt will not get inflation, it gets deflation ultimately until the defaults. This is well known, and is exactly what Marx meant but could not say.
Interest charges are the relative cost of maintaining stable goods flow. Interest charges then set price. Supportable volatility in flow is liquidity and it is conserved, currently being taken from the consumer and given to government. Most of that transfer was well underway before covid hit us.
This is typical flat earthing, think we can uniformly scale from one condition to another. He seems to forget everything we know about sticky things.
Here is Marx on flat earthering:
Marx mentions Workers who do not sacrifice their essential humanity to a hard, dehumanizing, and low-paying job find themselves and their families at deaths door. Capitalists who do not devote every moment to raising productivity, pushing down wages, and reinvesting their larger profits to 9/
mentions increase their scale of operations faster find themselves outcompeted. They wind up going bankrupt–and then their children join the working class proletariat. Thus, according to the principle that the purpose of a system is what it does, the purpose of the capitalist system
Ghost and goblin crowd
Trump Declares Houses Of Worship Essential, Says Governors Must Allow Services Or 'I Will Overrule Them'
Special rules for the psychotics. Her has this support group and the NRA castrati crowd.Trump was counting on widening support from white religious voters this fall. The pandemic is sending his numbers the other way.How about Texas where they combine both groups, NRA nuts and psychotics in the same building? If voters survive the mass shootings we Trump could win Texas, even with a tiny penis.
Antebellum Black slaves
Update (1625ET): Hours after insulting black voters, Biden said he regrets telling radio host Charlamagne Tha God that black Trump supporters and undecideds "ain't black."Nothing has really changed since 1850.
This just says deviations counts are dense in the integers.
When the deviation counts are minimum, all equal to one, then there are three equal length paths to count up to the next smallest deviation count. They are uniform deviation counts, each one counting once during each deviation count.
This is really a general statement of the sampling rate criteria. If x,y,z are the result of sampling some function F(s,t,u), then the samplers have to meet Nyquist in total. At the minimum deviation the three samplers must have sampled at least twice.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Trump diplomat spouts horse manure
U.S. to pull out of Open Skies treaty, Trump's latest treaty withdrawal
It is the other way around, the adversaries manipulated the idiot voters of Arizona and now we have to dig up McCain and hang him before we do any serious military spending.
Trump’s arms control negotiator mounted a full-blown defense of the administration’s arms control policies, focusing on the president’s proposal that China join the United States and Russia on a replacement for New START.We are having a hard time trying to manage carries not working, plane subject to drone attack, and worthless bombers unable to replace the B-52. Now we have this ridiculous Space command, set to blow money as bad as the useless SDI.
“We know how to win these races and we know how to spend the adversary into oblivion. If we have to, we will, but we sure would like to avoid it,” Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall Billingslea told the Hudson Institute think tank.
It is the other way around, the adversaries manipulated the idiot voters of Arizona and now we have to dig up McCain and hang him before we do any serious military spending.
How much boiling?
Left-Wing Columnist: “I Would Vote for Joe Biden if he Boiled Babies and Ate Them”
If it were a playful flick of a splash that landed on the foot, then maybe he would still be the better candidate than my pet chihuahua. If he deliberately stuck a babies foot in the boiling water, even if he pulled it out right away, well, then my vote goes to Little Missy Poo Poo Butt.
Ted's full of idle threats
Cruz threatens to stop federal agencies from cooperating with Hollywood over China 'censorship
I liked his Homer Simpson imitation better.
Arizona citizens don't want to be taxed on account of McCain
It’s weird that they thought Mitch McConnell, of all people, needed to be notified of this when it’s been obvious for months in public polling that McSally’s at dire risk of losing. Here’s every poll of her race against Mark Kelly so far this year. The top line is the polling average, followed by the most recent polls.
Having now been identified as the idiot state that let McCain blow 4 trillion in useless military crap. The Saudis don;t want the stuff anymore, it keeps getting blown up by drones. So it all comes back here, and everyone will look at the useless crap and try to dig up McCain for a hanging.
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