Sunday, May 24, 2020

Principle quantum numbers

They are the number of deviations needed to spread on a surface.

The small counter is simply counting N. Each of the segments in the spin counter can have a isolated color operator. That is why we have Pauli exclusion. An energy jump is a jump up the Markov. For beach ballers, it is a standard increase in surface deviations to cover the volume contained in this deviation surface..

What we are interested in is the angular space between spin segments relative to a center. The spin  should be geodesic in that is splits angular space by some integer. Curvature should always work out, being quite quantized, and relatively limited. 

When curvature is too much we get quarks is the basic idea. The operator recolors.  There is a limit in the 3D world, the sampling rate, 3/2 , has a point of maximum multiplicity. I dunno how to jump beyond the Markov.

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