Friday, May 29, 2020


The vacuum is better than three. But just better enough to separate us from any other space curvature. So it minimizes to one shared dimension between quasars. That is far away, and it i a guarantee against the sudden disintegration. But we can get enough info to plot the finite number of possibilities onto some sort of 3D abelian groups map. With an Einstein telescope, one that partitions the incoming light into one or eh six or so possible configurations.  Look at the relative density of black holes and quasars.

The split.  The 3D worlds always gets x, the least resolved axis. We get the next two, the the two following belong to the quasar networks, and they resolve along two curvatures.  Light is a bit more accurate than we think, but we can separate quasar worlds on a radial, we have that vertical.   When we look at a black hole that means we are viewing along the hared symmetry. But from that black hole are space expansion, actual flow of vacuum, at minute and unobservable ,magnitude to us. At the tangent boundary, two quasar world share deviations along the other two, turbulent dimensions.  But it is what gives us a good, separable 3D world.

Unknown to use, the miminal path the worlds move deviations back and forth.   This granular kinetic energy make our space have a quant. It causes a sharing of N. But it is an independent color operator, except in the spin. But one world or the pother is changing N and that means some vacuum units need reprogramming.

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