Sunday, May 24, 2020

The anti color operatopr

It is the negative Markov, counts the deviation counter down.
But even/odd can always be spit, so negative has no meaning. charge can count backwards negative, but not  magnetic, it is one or the other.

The magnetic spin reverses relative to charge in the operator.
So the magnetic counter counts backwards. Out deviation count goaes as:

Deviation from an integer is 1/2 refined by plus or minus 1/3 refined by minus one/fifth of minus two fifths.  The operator still needs to carry four magnetic, immaterial the direction of count.

But the color operator still carries a minus 1/5, and needs to minimize that with the next neighbor, which will either be magnetic or charge. That means the magnetic spin is one short, and curvature will be reverse.  The color operator is doing a spin from transitions to transition around the deviation count. It will always force curvature either up or down relative to the two other axis for closure. Again, they are relatively prime, the larger counting more granular elements.

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