Friday, May 29, 2020

The uncertainty of N

How does motion happen?

I must be a literal recoloring of the surface operato,r running at the speed of light.  a sphee in mtion will accumulate N, he smallest vacuum unit.  Thus he cannot close the sphere.  The sphere consumes N along the vertical of motion, and releases it opposite, the actual component of matter being subtly distorted by motion.
Another object nearby, stationary and larger, with less curvature equals more N. will be tangent to the other, and another line of symmetry happens in N adjustment. And further, in the case where the two bodies are too close then there is another line of curvature.

Take our model of indexed sets of things.  Then put closed balls of them in a pool of our things. Watch them swim.

What is the minimal distribution of N required?   Fields are just large pools of our thing. but the pool has to dissipate currents caused by motion and acceleration.

Is this connected to quarks? Yes, they are both made of the same things.  Same rule scales by Avogadro.  How many lines of curvature make up the world?  Remembe, the disruption in the vacuum is counted locally,  many Avogadro's^m up from the proton. Light introduces a free vacuum quant as it is the least deviation minimizing path.   Proton have holes, it mostly passes through.

The rule of maximizing entropy use to utilize every new found axis of symmetry. Relativity is about adding a line of symmetry then finding the centroid, or Lagrange spot. The process has a king of momentum. In idle space there is likely hood of random N coloring for very small N, but that changes N distribution and feeds on itself. The Black hole reaches a limit, The vacuum unit must be finite bandwidth, since it counts integers. I am with the C > G crowd, I think recharging the vacuum unit happens at the limit and the Balck hole splits. At the limit the reachargng means the gravitation curvatures drop causing a division of N. The density so great the vacuum compression rolls over to free space.  That becomes the minimizing path and i can resolve to a 3D system.

Light bends in because free space is the minimizing path so the color operator will attempt to consume it. Light and the curvature attempt a line of symmetry, but it is effectively always tangent to the curvature. Light doesn't change N much, except locally.

The vacuum unit simply compresses along one line of symmetry, and maybe can support some K positions, adapted, but fixed to that number. At some point it is never the minimizing path, it will roll over to the first position. The total N is or the order Avogardo to a power, a large power. Light, in every case, is constant, it is some three steps to a surface correction, every where, regardless of dimensionality.  Light only corrects locally, it has no memory.  I am thinking the ultimate black hole cou,es the vacuum at its most deviated. I*t consumes anything at the Baryon level.  Dimension six might be the stopping point.   At that point, there is constant radiation of free space. That is negative curvature. The free space creating the new line of symmetry, baryons, follow the tangent curvature.

So, my previous statement that light went with dimension needs a correction. Adding simension allows more light operators.   And that comes out as faster light.

The quasar theory.  The quasar is a finite limit to the vacuum and mus exist in steady state with the assorted dimensionals. It appears to consume in a swirl, and eject along a vertical. The two are both symmetrical curvatures solutions, there is only local adaption but baryons are mostly skirting the hole.

The net flow of vacuum into and out of is set somewhere else. There may be a decay possibility cofor a vacuum. Those the in and outs naturally adapt to that rate and reset the vacuum unit to pure unit one.

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