Saturday, May 23, 2020

Like inflation, everyone talks about it but no one defines it

Trump Considering a Panel to Investigate Conservative Bias

They seem mostly Senators stuck in ear mark land.

All trying to find stability in a world tide of humongous economies on the coasts.  So, there savior is National Review, but NR cannot suurvive without the ghosts, goblins and guns crowd. 

The House ends up with all the socialism, not by design but by default, the Senators are not getting cash for the state capitals.  Get cash to those small state capitals and a lot of this cultural crap we suffer goes away..

Nancy can learn a lesson

The small states do not have the billionaires, they are out on the cost.  The cost of buying off that group is trivial compared to the cost of sticking them in earmark land.  Cash to the small state capitals will wash away a whole bunch of nonsense, it gives the small states some maneuvering power in a huge tidal sea. A payoff washes not just the bizarre right, but the bizarre left, the Bernie's who come from small states. The focus is shifted to what matters, efficiency out of the neanderthal Senate.

The problem

Once Nancy tries this the results will be good and we will say,'How did we ever get by in the old method', and we will look back and see enormous losses from past buffoonery.  e will demand a partial default. Bu we will be smart about it, make some substance with a long term Fed contract for independence.  Our monetary shock will be mild, a few years of stagflation, never peaking past seven percent.  We end up operating at a more liquid spot on the Markov Tree, for some time, then review.

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