Friday, June 26, 2020

AOC voters getting murdered, by AOC voters

New York City’s homicide rate has hit a five-year high as the amount of people shot has jumped 42 percent compared to last year on the heels of an “implosion” of the city’s judicial system, according to NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea.
A perfect storm of COVID-19 shutdowns within the judicial system (which have shunted indictments against the most dangerous illegal gun criminals), a breakdown in the city’s social safety nets (which has prisoners being released from jail straight into homelessness), and bail reform laws and case deferments have all hindered the NYPD’s efforts to staunch the bleeding, Shea believes.
"We cannot keep people safe without keeping bad, dangerous, people off the streets,” Shea said. "You have a criminal justice system that's imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.”
AOC get a regulated militia, but there will be none of that for defenseless 'moms and pops'.  And forgetting this simple clue means AOC is indeed a failed Hispanic stater. She will have a short career once her Bronx voters tire of being murdered.

Maybe I need woking, but I doubt it. Failed Hispanic policies are very common, the results always bad for Hispanics, and we know it.  It is a bad state to be in and Hispanics need to take the extra time to figure out what this government is really about, hint, simply deception.

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