Friday, June 26, 2020

Kleptomaniacs in the White House.

Mary Trump once stood up to her uncle Donald - now her book describes a 'nightmare' of family dysfunction
The publisher has not revealed specifics, and Mary Trump, 55, declined an interview request. But clues to her dark view of her uncle can be seen in lawsuits, and interviews with former colleagues and teachers, academic papers and a series of now-deleted tweets, including one that said her uncle's election was the "worst night of my life."

A description of the book from publisher Simon & Schuster suggests it will draw heavily on her studies of family dysfunction, with Mary using her clinical background to dissect "a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse," including "the strange and harmful relationship between" her late father and Donald Trump.
I will contract out to make is a musical. 

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