Monday, June 29, 2020

Think through the steps

Supreme Court Hands Down Another Party Line Decision

Can Congress create a permanent investigative body? I would say yes, but they need the executive branch to administer penalties.

So you give the president that power to penalize but restrict his ability to manage?  There is a separation issue, Constitutional law is simple once you get the frame of mind. This should not even be party, this is plain language in the most basic structure of the Law.

If Kevin Drum had his way the federal law system would jam with who can or cannot get fired and when.  Labor law would break down, chaos ensue, possible black hole. Connect the dots on this our court is dim bulb to begin with.

This was originally legal trickery by Liz, she knew it at the time.  Has a lot in common with the law suit to stop the gas pipeline from crossing the Appalachian trail, or even Citizen's United.  In all cases it is some legal scam, sometimes with inside support, of folks who want to skirt the legislature. It has reached its limit, federal courts are jammed to the brim with all variations of the make shit up laws.

At this point, most organizations ignore the law as long as possible, a lawless regime caused by legal trickery among the  dim bulbs.

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