Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dave Roberts has some perfect horse manure from VOX

A new select committee report is perfectly in tune with the growing climate-policy alignment on the left around standards, investments, and justice.

He starts with the exceptions, people on the left who need justice. This is a class release3 from climate taxes, same shit.
Look at the list:

So, how can the US move toward net-zero? Here are the 12 pillars:
  1. Invest in infrastructure to build a just, equitable, and resilient clean energy economy.
[ Equitable means the specially selected get inflation protection from the pain of carbon taxes]
  1. Drive innovation and deployment of clean energy and deep decarbonization technologies.
[Basic research, I am OK with this]
  1. Transform US industry and expand domestic manufacturing of clean energy and zero-emission technologies.
[ Create another class of inflation adjusted regulators]
  1. Break down barriers for clean energy technologies.
  1. Invest in America’s workers and build a fairer economy.
[Straight out, screw climate issues lets get inflation protections for our pals]
  1. Invest in disproportionately exposed communities to cut pollution and advance environmental justice.
[More stuff for his pals]
  1. Improve public health and manage climate risks to health infrastructure.
[Public health is completely unrelated]

It is why I didn't have to read it, I already knew they were faking it.

It is not that these idiots perform the usual piling on, they  should have already been educated that this will not work. Go ask Kevin Drum, even he figured out the scam.   At least be smart about cheating, we are not that dumb, especially those who really want it solved without the usual exceptions.

Dave is useless, he and most of the other so called 'Green Dealers' all have less to do with carbon and more to do with protecting their priors.  Bonehead economists who attempt this crap have been called out every time.

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