Monday, June 29, 2020

Building roads, before, during and after

Everyone knew we were headed for congestion apocalypse..

Bulldozers taking the lead against  cars being increasingly congested via broadcast radio. Towns needed parking structure, major arteries, all that transportation stuff for cars. It was a well known problem. The stats bear me out, I looked once.

The GD was  the typical human upheaval, a change in epochs when communication technology takes a leap. It has happened all through human development, since the ice people introduced sedentary living to the Middle East.  Started with hieroglyphs, never really stopped.

Sandbox is the new epoch today, it is all around us, infiltrating commerce. It is a continual pattern matching process, nothing will be more efficient and it is handheld, and cheap and autonomous, loyal, counterfeit proofed, and contract proofed.. Auto pricing pits as needed.

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