Saturday, October 3, 2020

Biden wants to reverse the corporate tax cut

 He is trying to balance an imbalance created by central banking.

The corporate accounts can be summarized by deriving their loans/deposits balance. Central banking makes that path difficult as it is not a well traded system. 

The corporation is, in its fundamental, just an accounting standard.  The stock exchanges exists to trade monetary distortions, the beta and gamma from Black-Soles. Those coefficients are created when central banks guarantee time to completion for government, guarantee the can will kick. This is distortionary with respect to the right to coin.

The answer, once again is maybe, maybe not reverse the tax; the tax is not the fundamental issue it is the derived issue.  We are still stuck, though we have pundits still claiming the can always kicks. If government needs guarantees, it has its own power, maybe the only power, it has the right to coin. Use R.T.C for its purpose and leave the banks out of taxing collateral. Ultimately reversing the tax causes its re-reversal later. That tax, being an induced instability, will always cycle. The 'market' is not caused by the Fed cycle, but they both have to adjust.  

The inflation tax, cannot come once per generation, all at once. We need to count government losses with the tax payer dollar. Some pricing take a generation to settle. We can shorten that, renew on a shorter basis if we stop faking it.

But, until we get a New Fed, the corporate tax liability is a dog chasing tail problem.

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