Monday, October 19, 2020


In a Sept. 17 ruling, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court approved Democratic Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar’s request to extend the absentee ballot receipt deadline to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6. She said such an extension was needed to address delays due to recent postal service changes that could result in ballots not reaching election officials as quickly as they have in the past.

This is the preliminary to the Federal Supremes who let the state court stand.

The Secretary of State in Pennyslvania was selected by the normal legislation of the state, and she is empowered in her selection to adjust the voting rules a bit.   Extending the deadline for late mail is not an issue, the Republicans were wrong. The conservatives on the Supremes were making shit up.  There is no way the Conservatives can over rule the state in this case, there was no potential issue with basic rights.

Conservatives on the Supremes are not good legal experts (neither are the liberals). The issue is not to pack the courts in the future, that does not help. The issue is that the courts have been packed in the past and their rulings are mostly 'make shit up' these days. They are beyond help and I have no solution except to begin defunding the federal appellate courts and force legal efficiency such that they find it convenient to execute simple Constitutional law.

In other words, the fix is a speculative trial and error. My fix is not better than any one else's. There is no default sequence that can get us past a generation of idiots on the court. This may be a permanent drag on the economy forever, I dunno.

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