Monday, October 19, 2020

Getting a new ID

 Smart card is smart about it. Smart card wants a thumbprint and a face provably connected t othe thumb.

That gives you an empty wallet, you can carry bearer cash of any digital kind. No one knows you are connected to this wallet, it is bare of contracts, except timeouts and limits. 

Anything else you want to do with secure contracts will be an app.  social security app, a Swift app, a bitcoin app. Any it is all voluntary, requires renewals and limits to make provable contracts. Otherwise, everything from driving to shooting can be a secure contract, enforced on you and the counter parties by the autonomous contract manager.

It is proof of stake down the the thump, and sometimes face. The card itself is ready to run proof of stake contracts, as it is counterfeit proofed and spectre compliant. It can engage in cache to cache exchanges that are specte compliant over the connection, and obey double spending rules. So fundamentally, the sandbox is a pure cash only substrate which is then restricted by contracts. 

The residual central miners are the chip foundries.  From then on it is automatic discovery of the shortest (least congested) path to the stuff you want. The proof of stake contract process creates a proof of stake network of counter parties.  Most of these are two or three parties, and a bunch of one party transfers you do between apps.

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