Monday, October 19, 2020

Horse manure on Jeff Gundlach

DoubleLine: The Pandora's Box Of Fed's Digital Currency Will Ignite An "Inflationary Conflagration"

Central bank digital currencies ramp up the market for competitive banking, which is deflationary.

This poster has priors, priors about the sanctity of debt as written in one of the post was amendments.  Instead, the post ignores history and Law, we will devalue, it is in the Law, it is a certainty. Whether we devalue stone money, commodity money, or shell money is mostly related to counterfeit proofing.  Doing our regularly scheduled devaluation happens regardless of money technology.

We did it in 1932, 1972, and many times before that, read 'This time is different', there is history on this. The devaluation schedule does not care if the technology is silicon or paper. Besides, how many DoubleLine clients carry paper dollars to his office? They all use digital exchange. Jeff Gundlack is a central planner, a socialist.

As a money technology, Swift is great stuff, very efficient. Nothing could be better than spreading that technology right down to our cash card chips. And that is the plan. If Jeff thinks this is fake, do not watch the Fed, watch the MIT group run a theoretical scam. They did is last time.

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