Thursday, October 1, 2020

It is not the yields, it is the tax

Pelosi-Mnuchin Call Yields No Deal Yet on U.S. Virus Stimulus

Note that macro economists know the problem and are deliberately silent, committing fraud. When the bank  crisis hits we know who is at fault. remember, they are collecting the tax right no, as we speak, some 1% of the economy is taken as taxes from the banks and remits to Treasury.

If the yields were fine then the financial repression would be minimal. It is increasing. We have the great Paul Samuelson fraud coming apart as we speak, hysterical economists afraid to speak out.

Identity politics advocates have succeeded in making certain research conclusions within the university verboten. They have made it very hard for any university professor (particularly the junior and untenured ones) to publish and publicly promote any conclusions that these advocates dislike.
And we have at least two research papers confirming, follow John Cochrane. Otherwise the fraud is quite extensive.

Business Leaders Who Reject Woke Culture To Be 'First People Lined Up Against The Wall And Shot In Revolution': Ex-Twitter CEO

We have been woken to the fraud, we know we are being taxed excessively via our bank accounts and we know who dunnit.  We know that shedding a bit of blood on the unfair tax is a normal American response. Why the widespread fraud? It is no secret.

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